Friday, October 07, 2022

the hardest part of my day is being nice to stupid people...Friday



  1. I hope all the repugs will "just think about voting" and it will count. I have an excellent meme to go with the last one! Have a terrific weekend Jackiesue!

  2. That editorial cartoon about FEMA workers being sent to Martha's Vineyard was so funny because the artist made DeSantis' face look like a toad

  3. Rick I have Abby today and we went to the senior center and she played bingo for a while and then took some antiseptic wipes and cleaned the center. We were all so proud of her. I get her and Dylan Monday and probably Olivia it's been a great weekend so far..
    Debra you're so easy..hahah
    Leanna wasn't that great? and he did look like a toad..hahh

  4. Thank you. I like the Russians answering Putin's call to mobilise (themselves right out of Russia)

  5. Just catching up now, but I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed all of your blog posts this week, YDG! Laughs are always welcome in my house, as is pumpkin pie, LOL!

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. River..yah, them Russians are leaving Russia faster than Putin can line them up..haha
    thanks's been a wild west..happy canaderian thanksgiving to you.


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