Saturday, October 01, 2022

Why I love "Debra*She Who Seeks' the best..

the fuckity fuck fuck fuck tea towel is from ages ago. Still holds a highly visible place in my apt where is damn near the first thing you see..

 this arrived yesterday and set me into a fit of giggles as Debra says its for when I watch fecking curling...cause you know I love me some curling. and to top it off she has contributed to Jackie's Christmas for Meals on Wheels for West, Texas every year since the beginning...she's a good'un..


  1. That's cuz I love YOU the best, Jackiesue! Your blog has given me so much entertainment and so many laffs over the years!

    I hope that gold mark on the front of the curling mug is not a nick or damage from transit -- I was worried about the mug getting to West safely because the box I sent it in was pretty darn snug.

  2. That's nice. I love her too. And i love you yellowdoggranny also, too.

  3. Is that a coffee mug? It must hold a bucketful!

  4. Richard she has a good soul...and thank you sweetie. I love you too..
    yes River it is. I don't drink coffee I drink Barry's Irish tea but it held a ton of Progresso tomato soup. It's become my soup bowl and I have a lot of tea mug says fuckity fuck fuck fuck on it..

  5. Is that a curling mug? How big is it? I want one too. How much does it cost?

  6. Leanna it holds a bunch of soup...I don't know..ask Debra she got it for me in Canada..

  7. leanna and yes it is a curling mug..cause I fecking love curling.

  8. Debra..................where are you????

  9. Debra for some reason your comment went to spam. just got it.
    I checked the was a reflection from nicks..came in perfect condition.
    It's my soup mug..holds just the right amount of soup...thank you again my rock.


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