Friday, November 25, 2022

great thanksgiving, gg's came home with me and the cowboys won...good times.

I got Dylan a book about dragon farts....omg, the giggles and fart noises abound ...



  1. Those guns memes are so spot-on. It's very sad. I totally agree with no "We in chocolate."

  2. Sounds like you had the PERFECT Thanksgiving!

    Yes, alt-right hate-filled radicalized men becoming domestic terrorists are the real problem that needs to be addressed.

    Hahahahahaha, no spine on Pence's new book! "DeSatan" -- good nickname.

    And I agree -- "There is no WE in chocolate!" LOL!

  3. oh gods that childrens' book - bwaaaaaaaahhahahahahaaaaa ~XD

  4. I like the Kari Lake one. Truth. I like them all.

  5. rick...I'm so sick of the guns in America..fucking sick of it..
    Debra...seems like everyone is we in Chocolate..
    Wibble...all the children's books made me laugh...
    Richard...thanks sweetie..

  6. Definitely no "we" in chocolate, it's all mine!
    #22 is horrifying, so many guns! Why does anyone need that many??
    #42 is certainly true in my case, except there weren't door keys involved. Nobody locked their houses when I was very young.

  7. River...If I am in town I don't lock my apt. if I leave West to go into Waco I lock the apt..I never lock the car..small towns. nice


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