Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday.........third down and long..fuckaduck



  1. Wasn't that a great game yesterday? Maybe Rodgers doesn't need to retire after all.

  2. Roe Wave, right on! Had a good laugh at the Pity Party invite too. And the Twitter dodo bird -- accurate!

    I hope you had a fabulous birthday weekend and partied hearty!

  3. I think Roevember has a nice ring to it...

  4. I loved the Pity Party, too. And so many others!

  5. late Very Happy Birthday to you!

  6. OMG! The MTG tweet! Did she really say "quacking" in their boots?! I will never get the picture of Russian troops fleeing and quacking out of my head!! 🦆🤣

  7. You always start the week off with lots of LOLs -- Golden Girls, pity party invite and the peanuts!

  8. nan, you are such a smart ass.
    Debra...I loved the dodo one...and the pity party..hah
    JimmyT....don't it?
    Ricky, you're just easy to please.
    Thanks was a long day.
    Cleora..she actually said that..woman is dumber than a after what you said I'll never get that picture of of my head.
    thanks Bunny..I tries my best.

  9. The Pity Party invitation is very nicely printed but I won't be going.

  10. River....we should all be going so we can all sing together..nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

  11. Perfect for this rainy Monday! How can there be a run-off in Georgia? Walker is so clearly unfit for any public office . . . yet here we are. And MGT won (?) her election? Crap on a cracker, these people are dumber than she is. Hope you have a great week, YDG! You've earned it!

  12. oh lord...forest gump was right...stupid is as stupid does Valerie.

  13. What happened to all that Trump going to jail thing? After everything he's done and said, I'm surprised they haven't locked him up and thrown away the key already, yet here he is threatening to run again for President.

  14. Beats the shit out of me River...but he needs jail time.

  15. Thank you, Jackiesue. These were awesome, especially after how the election played out. Fingers crossed the Georgia runoff breaks the right way so Manchin isn't such a pain in the butt.

  16. you're welcome Mr Shife...I always hope for the best.


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