Friday, January 13, 2023

..............................I been sick..

 sorry...I was so busy sitting on my Toto for last 3 days pooping that I plum forgot you guys...not a happy event ...I should be back on track by Wed. if not I'll let you know..I feel some better today but all I want to do is lay in the recliner and watch Escape to the Chateau DIY on Peacock. Hammered shit would be an and kisses yellowdog granny.


  1. Sorry to hear you've been so ill, YDG -- maybe the cedar trees weren't to blame after all? Yes, take things easy and feel better soon!

  2. Sorry your ill know about that one, get feeling better soon. C

  3. Was worried. Didn’t realize you were in a shitstorm! Feel better. We’ll be here.

  4. Get well soon, YDG -- we miss your feistiness!

  5. At least you didn't need the bathtub at the same time. Hope your screaming sphincter clamps up soon

  6. Oh my! I'm sorry you're feeling unwell! I hope this is short-lived. Take care.

  7. U haza stumick bug, I haza uper resporitary bug - sinus snot/pain, sore throat, bronchitis/trying to cough through a bendy-straw so hard that it feels like I have bruised ribs...


  8. Glad you're feeling a little better, hon. Shit is going around here too. I've been stuck in bed trying to not crap myself into oblivion. This is the second time I've been sick with this bug. It sucks.

  9. 3 days? Yikes! Hope that gets better real soon.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to