Wednesday, January 25, 2023

man up it's Wednesday

one of my friends sent me this on facebook and said they hear me speak this in my voice..

                                                    this makes me fucking crazy




  1. Hahahahaha, "woke." Thanks for all the fun memes this morning, Jackiesue!

  2. The gun memes are getting re-posted right away!

  3. Tryin’ to “Man Up” but it’s been a very long week already. Of course it’s the fucking guns. And the morons who have somehow hijacked our common sense and our sense of outrage. Time to grow a spine and fix these things.
    Atheists owning cats/Christians…Cheeto jesus has done that for 6 years…at least.
    Great lineup today, thanks for the thoughts, YDG. Hope you’re feeling better and up to some fuckery 😉
    I AM the last meme.

  4. you're more than welcome Debra..
    ricky..hahah...go for it.
    Jerri...I'm just so amazed at how stupid just under half of america is so stupid..and I'm that last meme too.

  5. You made me laugh out loud. Thank you! My favorite, the cats, the atheists and the christians. Wow.

  6. Why is there an expiry date on an assault weapons ban??
    (Same question I'm asking here in Australia, why was there an expiry date on an alcohol ban in a town that is now seriously out of control due to the drinking.)
    I like Joe Biden's apologetic "oops".

  7. Oh! People been calling me Woke these days. Who'd a thunk it?
    And Critical Race Theory? They are so lazy,they just call it CRT. No way are we allowed to talk among ourselves about what happened. No, it is all forbidden because it is Critical Race Theory. That is some scary shit.
    Just because Washington DC is corrupt and unresponsive, they are not off the hook. We have people out here in Not Washington DC.

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  10. PIxie I love the picture of you laughing out loud ...that made my day.
    Richard..I love how they think being called woke is a bad thing. stupids..

  11. As always thank you y d g for all the wonderful memes you share with us. Your posts are a special treat 3 days a week for me.

  12. George Santos was the Navy SEAL that killed Osama bin Laden.
    I know that is true because no Republican in the House will deny it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. When my children were young and I had to fill out school forms and it asked for 'race', I always put 'human'. Seems to me that should be the only choice.

  14. thank you so much have no idea how much that means to me..
    O'lBuzzard...remember the character on saturday night live 'the liar'...that's who I think of every time I see a new like he's told...yeah, that's the ticket.
    Pam I wish I had thought of that...

  15. Civilian deaths in Ukraine actually closer to 250,000 but until certain cities are retaken, it is impossible to verify.
    If they start digging on McGonigal I think they will turn up far too many people, like in the hundreds.
    There is no reason anyone needs to own a semi-automatic anything that holds more than 3 shells.


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