Monday, January 30, 2023

Ren - Screech's Tale second part of the trilogy ...

and this old Geezer loves Ren..


  1. Love the new Beatle, LOL! I'm surprised he hasn't told this particular lie yet.

  2. 3 channels and NO remote?!? 😱😱😱 Hey, we lived that.
    .One thing, when Trump is arrested he will finally have Made America Great Again. Let’s go team!
    YDG, I did some research. You’re right on Ren - dude has talent.
    Thanks for the thoughts and smiles and you know I always love a Buddha quote 😉

  3. Happy Monday! Glad to see you're feeling better--love all the memes, especially the Beatles. Awesome

  4. I wanna see that dick go to jail to Debra.
    jerri, that kid is amazing...I'll post Valerie's tale Wed. that will end up the trilogy..
    damn I remember the 3 channels...if we only knew.

    thanks Valerie..yeah, I can't wait for the next Santos meme..hahah

  5. What do you want to be when you grow up? Alive.
    I love you Mom.
    Both of these are a terrible reminder of What Black people face every day

  6. "You want to fix policing? etc"
    Yeah, let's try that!

  7. I love Dorothy too Rick...
    yeah, Allen, we never had to have the talk with our kids when they leave the house like black parents do...
    River someone said we'll never be able to fix the police because of their union.

  8. The beating death of Tyre is about police violence, but more about the human race. As individuals most people I have known are decent, but as soon as they organize into a group, cult, militaries, club, political organization or religions they are capable of heinous atrocities against other humans.
    These five cops are who we all are given the condition of power over others.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  9. you nailed it ol''s all about power..fuckers.


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