Wednesday, February 08, 2023

fuck..............I fell asleep...'sup?

                                                        you  know who you are...



  1. "My last nerve," LOL! I love the Canadian Spy Balloon too. And the only thing better than the Trump Baby Balloon is the Trump Baby Balloon with Ketchup!

  2. There you are! Hibernating is a plan…
    Dark Brandon was in the house! The contrast between sane/infantile was on display for all to see. Kudos to him for his composure with the middle school rudeness. He owned them. Too bad Marge the angry monkey can’t appreciate just how pathetic she is…
    ..but I can 😂
    Smiled when I saw Bullwinkle…howled with the toddlerTrump with ketchup balloon. Perfect.
    If that “Last Nerve” candle isn’t a thing - it should be.
    Well, from one badass woman to another, thanks for the thoughts & smiles 😎 Hope you’re heading back to Full Ornery.

  3. Anyone else remember the Euell Gibbons Grape Nuts commercials "Some parts of this pine tree are edible"

  4. Debra I loved the Canaderian moose last nerve is on fire too.
    Jerri, was going to watch the Biden kick ass tour and zap out like a watched it this morning on youtube...I'd like to find MTG and bitch slap her monkey ass..
    I'm always ornery..
    unknown...well of course I do...all us ole coots remember him

  5. I'm so glad you woke up! Now, go take a nap.

  6. I'm with Him too! Love the glow-in-the-dark pyjamas trick, have sent that one to the mother of the twins for when they're older.

  7. Such a great line-up today! And yes, I did see my shadow and the next few weeks will be a dumpster fire

  8. I have totally thought about that when they ask old people what is their key to longevity. We also have a candle like the one you shared except our says "last fuck." Thanks for the chuckles.

  9. Rick...I loves me a nap...
    River, anything that will work in getting the little ones to stay down for a short time..hahah
    Valerie...quick run every one, Valerie's ass is on fire..
    MrShife..I'm going to tell everyone that the secret to my longevity is I have sex every day....with strangers..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to