Wednesday, February 15, 2023

there is no one in my life for Valentines. You guys are all the sweethearts I need

                              the lady in the yellow is practicing for her job later on tonight



  1. Friends make the world go around! Great lineup this morning, Jackiesue! My fave is the Turkish rescue cat.

  2. The issue is: THEY(those raking in bucks from the gun lobby) DON’T care. WE have to care. Praying your child makes it through the school day is unacceptable. The asshole that “made it through the dairy aisle” is the perfect example of: What the holy fuck? See a shrink.
    Spring is blowing through this morning…kinda nice.
    Gym…I sincerely hope every person he subpoenaed tells him to go fuck himself. What an asshole…and he’s mine 🙄
    I’m down with the Turkey Vultures! “I rename you ‘everything’ “ Powerful. I might enjoy ripping that flesh off certain carcasses a little too much though 🤭
    To the Islamic scholar… you better bring some lube.
    Thanks, Jackiesue. We ARE here to love and we need to keep that front & center ❤️

  3. I love that search and rescue cat. I sooo understand the fitted sheet meme.

  4. debra...............friends..such a wonderful word..we all need a Turkish Cat.
    Jerri, when I croak I'm going to have my friends grab me up and take me out in the country and let the vultures have their way with me..although I had just convinced the grands to make sure I was laid out in the coffin, giving the Love is all we need...good friends? will bring love..
    Ricky fitted sheets make me want to start drinking again..fuckers..yes. Turkish Cat...wasn't that wonderful?????

  5. Yay Kiteh! :D

    FUCK those Jeebus ads. Buncha fuckin' smoke and mirrors, they were paid for by a bunch of right-wing evangelical bigots:


  6. I love the "I may not be Wonder Woman.." one. That's going on a coffee mug.

  7. Thank you, Jackiesue. I don't think there will ever be enough. If they didn't make a change after Sandy Hook, I am not sure what is going to compel them. Taking away lobbyists would be a start.

  8. Robert Reich posts that comment on Twitter periodically. The comments underneath it make me want to throw up. No wonder these people can't get people to work for them. They want slaves who work for nothing and feed themselves. "if you don't like the wages, go find another job" they say. And that is exactly what people are doing. Any business that cannot pay a living wage where 75% of the money covers major costs of living, should not be in business. American labour laws are 18th century.
    That's my rant for today.

  9. exactly wibble

    me too River...that would make a great mug.
    Mr Shife...lobbiests should be gone..period.
    Allan, that was a great rant..keep it up.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to