Wednesday, March 01, 2023

there are storm clouds on the horizon, and Jackie's gearing up for the storm.

                                              I've known God was a woman since 1982



  1. That's an ominous post title -- I hope everything's okay!

    Good ol' stomach -- we can always rely on it, lol. And on a related note, love the Girl Scout cookie meme.

  2. Batten down the hatches, Jackiesue! That storm doesn’t know who it’s dealing with. You got this 💪
    Mansplainin’ bible…yep. Explains a LOT.
    Me getting behind Dee Snyder for his integrity and perception…didn’t see that coming.
    The catholic egg distinction…hmmmmm
    But dead-eye Madonna 😂🤣😂 That would shut them up…for sure.
    My fav is “raising dragon slayers in times of actual dragons”. More than ever - children are our future (So don’t be their first bully!) Great lineup, YDG! We’re having Spring today. Love you like a taco 😎

  3. But how do we know dragons need slaying? I mean... sure they might get things a bit toasty at times, but who hasn't wanted to? Dragons are held in high esteem in China & other Asian countries. Seems to me it's another case of something being deemed evil by men who can't stand that they can't control it.

    I too think it would be great if many of the R's policies could only apply to those that voted for them.

  4. I can sooo relate trying to stay asleep when getting up to pee.

  5. Debra isn't that great about the girl scouts? I loved that so much. There will either be good news or bad news on Friday.
    Jerri I always batten my hatches..I loved the Catholic eggs..hahaha
    I personally would love to have a dragon.
    JustGail, I think I'm raising dragon tamers not slayers..wouldn't it be wonderful if they really had to live in a true republican world?
    Rick..every fucking night.

  6. Thank you for the funnies in amongst the scaries. Making girls live The Handmaid's Tale? Yikes!

  7. Kermit is always so droll -- which is why I love his appearances in your blog!


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