Friday, April 07, 2023

lock the old fucker up



  1. Leaving the thrift store on payday, LOL!

  2. LOL,we just tell 'em "Watch out for the poltergheist! We still haven't managed to corral that sucker!"

  3. Terrific stuff! Have a great weekend!

  4. Tennessee, SCOTUS, pedophile Republicans and clergy, tax cheats, a budget to cripple ordinary people, child labor, rapists rights, I lost count but not a good time in America these days, Is it?

  5. That cat stretching has NO HEAD! Feet on the couch, feet hanging down, no head!
    Wish I could do that...


  6. The republican party has become the party of ignorant bastards.

  7. Look, someone needs to assure me that cat still has bones in it! Best stretch ever or me after the g’kids have been picked up.
    So is the plan to just let “them” run amok until they reach critical mass…like a kid’s birthday party? No hope of containing - just clean up afterwards? Cuz I can do that - I just need to know we have a plan. I’m living in a bizarro world. Genital inspections?
    Poor Gym. He can’t even be successful at being an asshole.
    Thanks for the Friday thoughts, Jackiesue. That Friday night party sounds outstanding to me 😎

  8. Ragdolls are silly like that. :)

  9. Leaving the thrift store on payday is one of my favorite things.

  10. Inspecting children's genitals? You've GOT to be kidding!!
    That is SO wrong.

  11. debra..yes that one does it for me too.
    Bruce..spooky fuckers.
    thanks, Ricky...seems like all I do is sleep.
    Allen, I'm so disgusted with 40% of our country that it just makes me sick.
    Random I swear to the Goddess that was me yesterday..I took an antihistamine and it knocked me for a loop. I slid right out of the recliner onto the carpet with a bucket full of drool hanging out of my mouth. I slept for 17 fucking hours. No more of that shit for me.
    Mike. I just don't even try and understand them fuckers anymore. They are working against their own self-interests...sigh****
    I know one thing Jerri, let one of them fuckers try to examine one of my gg's and a piece of them is going into my collection box.
    Gary, my son has a ragdoll and I've never seen her do that.
    Richard, it's a great one.
    River...I still think it's against the law...

  12. You did it again: they are all great
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. Me and that raccoon have a lot in common and what is going on in the world if I am agreeing with Ann Coulter.


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