Wednesday, May 24, 2023

fuck me sideways



  1. Dolly singing 10-2, flying cars, tacos, LOL! You'll like my blog post today, YDG, it's a hymn to your favourite word!

  2. Looks like you got your flow back, YDG. Don’t you just love “character building” experiences? 😜
    Can we drop a house on a few more people? Seems to be the simplest solution.
    I’m with George Takei…and they better consider the ramifications.
    Lots of good ones but the letter to the Trump voters resonates in me like a timpani on fire. Never… EVER, fuckers.
    Thanks, Jackiesue 😎

  3. debra...that post should be dedicated to me by Goddess.
    thanks Ricky...I need to email you my funny for today email about me going to your blog..I had my daughter n law laughing so hard I thought she was going to wreck the car.
    Jerri...after first of month I'll have tech guy come take windows 11 off and put 10 back..think that is the main problem.

  4. That last one reminds me of : "live in peace or die in pieces"

  5. Great line-up! Love Glinda the good witch regulating penises. About F*cking time!

    Have a good one!


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