Friday, June 02, 2023

fuck me till just gets crazier and crazier out there.



  1. Adding more cheese in a recipe, LOL! TRUTH

  2. To the amazing Amanda Gorman I reply: “THAT is a great fucking question!”
    What a lineup this morning! Some good thoughts, couple of head shakers, smiles and one that shot tea out my nose. I’m referring to:” What would God do?” Was not ready for that one.(It was worth it)
    I’ve always said repubs can’t spell. Look at their signs. An affliction of non readers. Especially illiterate donnie.
    Eric MUST idle.
    Yeah, recovery time does become an issue, but absolutely not done yet.(One more chorus of “Hang on Loopy!”)
    Thanks, for the great start to my day, Jackisue. You are the Sunday afternoon of my life 😎

  3. I think I should print the cheese one out and put it on the refrigerator.
    And I'm glad for Jerri's comment that made sense of the "do not idle" sign!

  4. Middle Age Riot really is a riot.

  5. El Paso tomorrow? Explain, please.

  6. Yes to cheese, and you're my Saturday late morning, when I recover from the five Mondays. Thank you for these!

  7. @Mike:

    829 miles from Beaumont, TX to El Paso, TX, and through some of the most insane traffic and dog-forsaken-nowhere landscape in existence. Doing it in one day isn't advised. :)

  8. Oh thank you for the Mr. Wiggles meme! And yes, please just put Florida in permanent lockdown. Imagine, travel advisories for one of our own states! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Trump Bucks? Please tell me people don't actually fall for that?

  10. two favorite words...cheese and baaaaaaaaaacon.
    aaaaaaaaah, Jerri I love being your sunshine. sign would be for fucks sake..don't Idle.
    Rick.........Middle Age Riot is so smart and funny.
    Mike I hope that Wibble explained that to you....its a long fucking way.
    somewhere that is just so's all appreciated ..
    thanks Wibble..
    your welcome Richard...very much.
    Valeri..this has been a great weekend..had both the gg girls and we had a great time. Abby had to leave early today (Sunday)to go to tumbling and Olivia is still sleeping. I'm waiting for her to get up as I have made Ihop breakbast. Ling sausage, bacon pancakes and eggs. biscuits with honey if she wants.
    oh River, they not only fall for it they are heartbroken when they can't cash them in.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to