Wednesday, July 05, 2023

first time in forever I didn't go to family gathering ass was dragging..

 this one is for Mr.Shife..he wrote a book and I'm in it...because of this meme.


  1. Your continuing fatigue is worrying, Jackiesue! Are the doctors still trying to find the cause of it?

  2. Boner Garage: I can't get that picture out of my mind.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Rodrigo?!? Omfg! 🤣😂🤣
    ‘Ladies’ of Trump calendar? I’ll take a “gross” of them 🤭
    Middle Age Riot is on a roll!
    Yeah, and George, Frank and Malcom X would have called them on it.
    Joe Rogan the “steroid-damaged dick vein” Always been my belief to let them be stupid. Ingest horse dewormer, bright light your balls - whatever. Thin the herd.
    BOTH halves of me want that too. Quickly. C’mon, Jack!
    I heard it was “ ‘Stupid’ little bitch” but maybe “stupid” is always implied when talking to her.
    Thanks, YDG, I would think your ass would be smoldering. That heat sucks the life out of us. Going in and out of AC does too. You’ve been living in a sauna. You’re allowed to take a breather. Please do 😎

  4. Wait! I forgot to ask about that last one. Are you the uncle? the horse?…or an inspiration? More information, please!

  5. debra..they're still running far I've passed them all..trying to get a mri with versed to see what is up with my spine.might have to go to Austin to get it done.
    Ol'Buzzard...scary ain't it.
    Middle age riot rocks, Rick.
    Jerri, Rodrigo made me lauuuuuuugh

  6. If you boil a funny bone...
    dear yellowdoggranny, you didn't miss much. It was too hot, and sensible people stayed indoors.
    Rodrigo is my friend.

  7. Love the laughing stock.
    Trump boner garage? Yikes!

  8. Oh, my Goddess, yes, boob sweat of EPIC proportions! 90s in SC, and hooomid as hell. Hope you are feeling better! XOXO

  9. Richard I think we should form a 'friends of Rodrigo' me, I'm keeping my ass indoors.
    River I do the puns for me and Debra...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to