Friday, July 28, 2023

Gypsy playing hide and seek on gray carpet.

                                      you done pooping yet?
                                         there is a empty dish in the kitchen...hurry the fuck up..


  1. MY GODDESS!! She is a beautiful girl.

  2. she is Leanna...and the sweetest most affectionate cat ever...everyone loves her. she lays in the window and when she sees someone on the porch she will run the the arm of couch and stare at the door waiting for them to come in so she can greet them.. and get her loving...she's supposed to be 5 but she's so playful and active.. not like a 5 year old.. I really lucked out...she's a great kitty..

  3. Dang it woman, start a Patreon account so I can throw money at you!

  4. Allan, throw money at me any time..
    isn't she Debra...? I luff her.

  5. yeah Bunny..she is..
    yup Wibble...hard to get another cat after Dexter but she's perfect.

  6. Gypsy is beautiful. My old girl is 14 (72 in cat years) and still bounces all over the bed to wake me for her breakfast.

  7. Sweet, beautiful lady!

  8. she's on a diet and meows all the fucking time..but if I feed her a normal amount of food she gobbles it and then throws up..she's on my shit list.

  9. She’s beautiful and just made for your carpet! One of my dogs does that. Vet says he has “food anxiety” from not knowing if/when he would get to eat again in his previous situation. It’s been 2 years and we’re still battling. There is no food issue now…and he is one plump dude. If I don’t feed him breakfast he follows me around smacking his lips. Have patience.
    That face is worth the effort.

  10. Jerri, I wanted to know what her problem is ..he old owner said she never did that before..poor Gypsy.

    1. Hairball issues? Have you paid a vet a billion dollars yet? Maybe it’s just nerves that will settle as she does. I DO know she’s in loving hands. You two will figure it out.

  11. Hi, Jackiesue. Just checking on Gypsy & her digestive issues. As long as what goes in one end, comes out the other, she’s getting nutrients. If she’s using her litter box successfully and without discomfort it will probably work itself out. Good luck! You two will figure it out.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to