Wednesday, July 26, 2023

is it winter yet?



  1. Hahahahahaha, that first one! I feel bad for you.

    Yes, that ignorant statement about slavery teaching job skills shows EXACTLY WHY critical race theory is needed.

    And yes, Satan on TV is what you've got with Trump, MAGA, Fox News and Republicans.

  2. Howdy. Give ‘em hell. Or send them to Phoenix.

  3. yeah, Satan on true.
    Howdy right back at you...fuck it's hot here Friday it's going to be 108......

  4. The iceberg! (Which I’m imagining I sitting atop)
    Just when I think these republican morons can’t get any more embarrassing…they prove me wrong.
    Love the transition from exercise to bacon cuz…. well, BACON 🤗
    Jamie Lee Curtis speaks for me - and I rock her haircut. Liberating.
    I don’t remember moving to Venus - yet here we are. I see the Saguaro Cacti in Arizona are slouching and melting. So are we and every other living creature. Stay cool, Jackiesue. Now get back on that bear and find us some truths 😎

  5. Quite a few cringe worthy ones, slavery as a teaching aid?
    So very wrong.
    Young people not proud to be American, maybe they'll be the ones to turn things around.

  6. The Republican party meme says it all: you can't reason with stupid.
    We should quit worrying about trying to reach the MAGA base and just focus on sane people.

    the Ol'Buzzard


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