Sunday, September 10, 2023

Daniel Deitrich - "Hymn for the 81%" Acorn 2022 Singer-Songwriter Compe...


  1. Yowza! In a sane world, this would be a #1 hit song!

    1. What happens is something called brigading. The Trumpanzees hate the truth, so they give videos thumbs down, which influence, google algorithms. Russia uses bots to control the narrative. The best thing for us humans to do is to like and comment on pro human videos and give a thumbs down to anything that is right wing.

  2. Powerful song, powerful voice, powerful message! People are leaving traditional churches because Jesus is "too woke!" Many are joining "churches" that praise anti-vax, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-woman hate from the stage (no pulpits or altars)! To quote Michael Stivic on "All In The Family"..."Thank God I'm an Atheist!!"

    1. The upside is, the anti-VAX troglodytes, and the anti-mask Trumpers had a much higher mortality rate than normal people. It looks like Darwin was right.

  3. Interesting song. I only listened to a bit because the news is on here, so I will listen again tomorrow.

  4. America first? How about humanity first?
    To the Trump mob, everything that has to do with Judeo Christian ethics is liberal or socialist when in reality, it is just basic common, courtesy, and decency.


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