Friday, September 01, 2023

don't happy

 no politics today..just shit to make you laugh, or smile or just shake your head.


  1. Cockwaffles? 😂🤣😂 Oh, that’s going to be added to my repertoire!
    The drama-free bubble is in effect!
    There’s my sampler.
    The last one. That’s it!
    Oh, Jackiesue, what a wonderful way to launch this weekend. Just thought I’d check…and you didn’t let me down. You elicited all three…laughs, smiles and a head shake…the comb🤭 Just what we need. Have a super weekend with your gg’s.

  2. Oh, so many to slowly post on my feed. Thanks, YDG.

  3. Every one a gem! And, I happy about this massive surge of energy you must have had!! I seem to remember on Monday you warned us only such a surge could have you posting after Wednesday (and until Wed. next). I am honored to be a beneficiary of your energy! Have fun on this great weekend you planned!!

  4. That's my reaction to everything these days also.

  5. Blog Fodder here. Damn phone won't let me comment except as anonymous. Great collection

  6. I turn conversations political, not dirty - it's worse. But Republicans keep insulting my intelligence. Thank you for the unexpected smiles, Jackiesue.

  7. The lasst one about insulting my intelligence.

  8. Hey JackieSue, Unexpected and much appreciated. Here in my bubble we're glad for the giggles. Love ya.

  9. A wonderful lineup of LOLs, Jackiesue!

  10. thanks Jerri..I'm going to start calling everyone a's just such a perfect word..haha olivia had a volleyball game so it was Jamie, Abby and Dylan at the was hot but the gg's didn't care they got tons of candy, beans, coozies ice pops, etc.we left a little early cause for the first time ever a train went thru the parade...we're like what the fuck????? so we left and got a head start on the crowd at pizza house..omg the food was fantastic..then Sunday Olivia came and her mom just came and got her...we had a great time..she calls staying with me 'living her best life.' girl..
    steal away anonymous..steal away.
    Mike..great attitude isn't it..don't happy.
    Rockyd...glad you enjoyed it..
    thanks Debra...appreciate it.
    thank you rad..glad you enjoyed it.
    anynameleft..ain't that the truth?

    ozma...I say that often...don't insult my intelligence..really..
    thanks Allan, kiss that boy for me.

    thank you River.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to