Friday, September 08, 2023

sorry.....................I fell asleep...



  1. Nothing like a good nap! I enjoy them myself.

    "Klanned Karenhood" -- brilliant!

    Yes, I was wondered about the copyright of that mugshot. Fulton County should get a court ordered cease and desist letter and sue for any profits Trump made off it.

  2. Give ‘em hell grannie 🙏

  3. Napz r gud. People keep waking me up from mine for stupid shite...

  4. Hand in the cookie jar but nothing's going to happen to him. Just like nothing will happen to the tRUMP children. Sad.

  5. You go, Fani! “Deal with reality or it will deal with you”. Powerful words. She even subtly referenced why we call him “Gym”! His ass would be on fire if he wasn’t so moist. I like her style.
    You don’t fuck around with Copyright laws. Dare we hope? It would be so delicious.
    Once again, Elon proves there is no humanity within the meat sack he inhabits. Disgusting.
    No, we don’t negotiate with terroists or toddlers. Just throw their sorry asses in jail. Our national “last nerve” has been activated.
    Jackiesue, I don’t know how you aren’t crispy around the edges. Thanks for the thoughts ✌️

  6. Well worth the wait! Stay cool in every way possible!


  7. Really, pretty much all beers are Totally Straight.

  8. Great stuff! I really chuckled at the psycho text.

  9. keep me smiling 3 times a week. C

  10. You cannot worship the child in the manger yet approve the drowning of a child at the border.

  11. I like my naps to be exotic... I call them siestas now...

  12. They are so obsessed with Hunter Biden... as if we didn't live with flagrant nepotism for 4 years!!!

    I'm going to start waiving at men on the street... I'd love to end up in Australia too :-D



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