Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Wednesday Car


  1. It would be a pleasure to use that plunger, LOL! The Speaker's election, LOLOL!

  2. Ha ha! I'm fessing to having an obsession of sorts about folding towels...

  3. Omg! Bobo and Butthead! 😂🤣😂
    Yes, George, you nailed it. If only more of us had listened…or read the damn book.
    My best friend looked(and behaved🤭) just like Patsy! When I saw it (Ab Fab) first time I called her and she was on a business trip. People were staring and calling her Pasty and she had no idea why.. Beehive, shades, lipstick and wobble. We were besties for over 47 years. Amazing woman. Grrrreat memories.
    “Wednesday’s Car” is a thing! Ford plant here. Employed a third of the area.
    Thanks, Jackiesue. Keep an eye on Gypsy. It’s Halloween time and there’s magic in the air.

  4. Oh, Dog. We have a Dominionist MAGA sockpuppet as Speaker now.

    This is either gonna cure us or kill us, and I can't give odds either way at this point...

  5. a dollar for every IQ point and Trump's I never met . . . wins the internet.

  6. Towel folding should be specified in a pre-nup.

  7. Absolutely love the black smoke coming out of the shitter. Says it all! Cletus

  8. Debra, I liked it when they were looking for a speaker...
    anonymous..when I first got married I did #1 and then we were in AF and we did a military roll...then I went back to 3 fold...and then now because I never have enough room I use the roll which is the easiest and the best.
    Rick...yeah, can't wait.
    Jerri...besties are the best..I feel so sad cause all my besties have passed on..bad thing about living longer than everyone else.
    I don't let Gypsy go outside unless I'm with her..she likes to eat grass..but I stay outside with her.
    Cletus..well, they managed to fuck us and everyone else too.
    Ozma..hahah..mine is favorite football team.

  9. Do you think when Trump and his daughter Ivanka go to prison do you think he will be able to arrange for her to come visit him for conjugal visits or will they just send him Kushner wearing her clothes with her panties on his head?


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