Monday, October 16, 2023

Fuck Trump you fucking fuck

 I have a red tshirt with that on it. I always kept it hanging on the door for gg's to use as night shirt. It disappeared. Finally figured out it was Olivia who took it home and then pretended she didn't have it. Finally her mom said she had it but wasn't giving it back. Olivia said its been at her house long enough that it now belonged to her. little shit. She is writing a report for UIL even ..I saw a rough draft and am freaking out. I keep forgetting that she is 11......I'll put it here when she's done. I know I'm a tad prejudiced but damn she's a smart kid. Plus she's a badass on the volleyball court. 

                                              cowardly fuckers



  1. Oh, Olivia, you little scamp!

    SO MANY GOOD ONES TODAY! The hurricane naming one, Melania playing Wheel of Fortune, the GROANERS of Spam and Roman numerals, and those fall leaves! Thanks, Jackiesue, my week is off to a great start now!

  2. Kendzidor blurb about the Elect is a religion: Calvinism

  3. Douglas is a Never-Nude...

  4. Wheel of fortune error : good joke except that letter L has already been played.

  5. Nazis in Torchy's Tacos is bone chilling! :-0

    Liz Cheney: I'll never agree with her world view (and despised her father), but the woman have balls and a moral back bone! Maybe she should be Speaker.

    I don't I laugh out loud often, but Melania on the Wheel of Fortune cracked me up!

    I love me some Johny Cash and the modified 'Fulton prison blues'!


  6. Holy crap, grrlll!! How do you still manage to put together such an awesome collection?! You motivate me to get off my sloth and do more 'cause I don't have severe pain and gettin' ready for the gg's comin' and all the rest in your life and still finding time to put joy in the MWF mornings of others!! I can't thank you enough (except for reminding me I live in a flesh prison I can't escape until death 😬) 😘!!

  7. Thanks for starting the week off right!

  8. About the Nazis from the Dallas Observer:
    By Simone Carter
    Simone is the daughter of Steve, aka Little Jack Melody [of LJM and his Young Turks] and a great friend of mine.

  9. Wheel of Fortune and making other lives worse are my top two

  10. She can have the R but it still won't help her.

  11. Big smiles here today thanks.

  12. Awesome line-up, Jackie Sue. Hope you are feeling much better. And yes, men should smile more :-)

  13. As always, THANKS for morning smiles. C

  14. and Debra....she is so proud of herself..she feels like she scammed her gg..little shit.
    stewart, I swear everything is about religion these days.
    Bruce...never nude is right.
    Lily,Yeah, I love what Liz is doing lately but hard to forgive her for all the other shit she's gone along with.fucking Texas and it's nazis..grrr.
    Cleora I steal memes all over facebook. I have about 50 different places i go to ...all for you guys...haha
    your welcome Rick..
    Rev...well, it's a great article..and I swear to the goddess...the white nationalist in Texas is starting to piss me off.
    yep, kindasorta my favorite ones too Allen.
    Mike, yeah, she's fucked...she's got all that money for her son, but he's going to be fucked over because of who his father is.
    your welcome here River.

    Valerie..I'm always wanting to tell men to smile more.
    your welcome C...your welcome.

  15. Liz Cheney is one of those rare Republicans who isn’t a traitor. Because of that, the Republican base voted her out for telling the truth, being a patriot and defending the constitution. The real evil is the republican base.


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