Friday, October 20, 2023

Last chance to donate to the Christmas fund for West Meals on Wheels.

 I'm retiring from the volunteering for Meals on Wheels. Heidi has taken over and I can trust her to get donations from the city of West. She didn't seem to realize that the program itself was done by me and not Meals on Wheels or Senior Center.. So I have asked her to call it what I've always called it....Friends of Jackie. But it's a pain in the ass asking people for money, running all over town buying stuff, for people that really need the money, buying food for the Christmas party. Cooking the Christmas party. So this year will be the last. Heidi and her family do such a great job and I'm so glad that she has taken over from Donna(the bitch) and she has built up the population that we got and won  a grant and she won us $7,000. So it's in good hands.. So this is your last chance to send it out with a bang.. I'd like for them to see what we can do ..a bunch of strangers donating money for a bunch of strangers..

blogger is fucked up's taking forfuckingever to do these memes. So I'm hoping they'll straighten this shit out by Monday. Later gaters.


  1. You've been a one woman force of nature for your Christmas Meals on Wheels party!

  2. Sorry for bein' clueless, but how do I do the donation? Direct to MOW?

  3. I want to make a donation too! Tell us how, Jackie.

  4. I had Blogger problems, too. I couldn't upload images for almost two days. I even called a repair shop but ended up fixing it myself before they got here. Yay! Saved a bundle. I hope it goes smoother for you.

  5. "But it's a pain in the ass asking people for money"
    That's the understatement of understatements.

  6. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Outstanding. Way to go out, YDG. Please remind us how & where to donate. A bunch of strangers helping a bunch of strangers would be good for everyone. You fill my heart.
    It appears Gym Jordan has hit a snag…reality. If your own sleaze bags don’t trust you, that’s slimy to the nth power.
    I hope my last word is :”Wow!”

  7. if you make it out to meals on wheels it goes to Waco. so as always I just have everyone send it to me. I get amount of people on route and we figure out how much to give to them and left over goes for charismas party.
    address to JACKIE DENNEY
    701 TOKIO ROAD #11
    WEST, TEXAS 76691
    I know it's trusting me..but have been doing this for 10 years and all the money goes to them..

    I had a what I thought was a close call with Im being to think I should have taken second test..let you know later.but as of now I feel like hammered shit.

    1. Hoping it’s just a close call 🤞 Jerri

  8. no covid.just bad reaction from last covid shot..ugh..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to