Monday, November 06, 2023

fuck football I says...fuck it thru the uprights.



  1. Happy Monday! Great collection today!

  2. tRump in the Speaker's chair with Johnson strapped-in on his chest... just like the mutant scene from Total Recall!

    I love John Fetterman... I hope that's a true quote!


  3. So good to see you still at it.
    the OL'Buzzard

  4. These are all great, as usual. The RFK, Jr. cuckoo one leaves off the issue I despise him for most...his defense of his cousin Michael Skakel for the 1975 murder of 15 year-old Martha Moxley in Greenwich, CT. The whole Skakel family is a rich, well-connected bunch of jerks and Michael was finally convicted of the murder. RFK, Jr., though, defended his cousin based on the fact that the family was awful!! Poor Michael was the runt who suffered from dyslexia, alcoholism, and abuse from his alcoholic, dysfunctional family...the evidence didn't matter...look at that squirrel!!

  5. Rep. Cory Mills has probably convinced all the MAGAts in Florida that they just shipped the actors from Sandy Hook to the GAZA Strip.

  6. John Fetterman is a breath of fresh air!
    No, I wouldn’t recommend reality right now. Hunker in.
    The “scared shitless” donnie is my fav…so far. Hoping for same look only in an orange jumpsuit 🤞 You know someone on his team has a tranquilizer dart for his testimony today.
    Thanks for the Monday reentry, Jackiesue. I’m with you on the football thing. I have the despicable Browns to contend with. As for Daylight Saving(😂) have to say I feel like I finally got my damned hour back and my world is back in sync. Beautiful day here. Hope the same for you.

  7. Great line-up today, YDG! I think the only options for El Crapitan's mouth should be a ball gag or duct tape...

  8. I neither dilly-dally nor lollygag; I am a proud fuck-around.

  9. Oh, oh! Blogger ate my comment! Or it's in your spam folder.

  10. Google Mike Johnson and son pornography.

  11. "Checks reality"
    Decides to stay in isolated dream bubble.

  12. Great line-up! I wonder if Trump's orange prison jumpsuit will clash with his orange make-up. Have a great week!


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