Sunday, January 07, 2024

cowboys dang..

 looks like my back didn't work.....fuck fuck fuck..I'm so fucking pissed...


  1. I love the Political Puppy! Sorry to hear about your back, YDG.

  2. Oh, the next to last one…for sure.
    I’m hibernating - not so much from Winter - but from the world. Not sure what will coax me out.
    I’m sorry to hear your back is acting up again. Thought we had that tamed. Two suggestions: Moon Pods and massages. Well, three, try not to get discouraged. I’ll be sending positive vibes from my den.

  3. I'm getting older and the fucks I have left are very rare and precious!! But, you always help me smile so I'm giving you one of the little dears!! So, I give a fuck about your back and I wish my fuck for you had curative powers!! Sorry that they are not magical either!! 😟

  4. Happy New Year, YDG! Glad to see you're blogging again, though I'm sorry your back pain treatments haven't been as successful as you'd hoped.

    As one with a spider phobia too, I had a great belly laugh at the last meme -- thanks, I needed that!

  5. That Texas Federal Appeals court is many NSFW words.

  6. well, I am pissed..not sure what I can do...they are giving me a 10's unit...I just am getting very depressed. I am having trouble sleeping and my blood pressure is up...I'm actually thinking about stopping YDG for a while and just need to concentrate on my health. I'll keep you all in touch.

  7. You gotta do what you gotta do YDG, but you will be missed, no doubt about it. Depression is such a weight to add to physical pain. Those of us here in RockyD Land are sending you all good wishes and hopes that you can find a solution. Take good care.

  8. RockyD..I'm going to ask my dr for something for mild depression..I've never ever had depression before... but never had pain like this before.but I'll overcome this way or another.ha.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to