Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ok, I'm not having surgery.

 So, the deal is..........I was supposed to have a spinal cord stimulator inserted in my spine. But because it might not work, they put the trial in to see if it does work and 2 days later they take it out and put the real deal in. I'm 80, and I've already been told by Cujo not to go under unless it's life or death. I thought well, this pain is pretty bad so I'll go for it. Then I thought about it...long and hard. Decided that the pain was really bad but it was better than coming out of it with half my memory gone or just not being able to get my shit together cause my brain wasn't working right. 

So.................??? the thing is I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to keep ydg going. I know unless there is something else happening here I can't do it 3 days a week. I will try doing it on Monday. If I have it in me? I'll do it on Friday. I loves ya and if I want to be able to do this as long as I can. But maybe less is better than done??? 


  1. Do what you need to do for you. It's not a job, you can put it down or pick it up as you wish - and if anyone has a beef with that, they can go pound sand. :)P

  2. You do what is best for you and if that means stopping or less, then we accept that.

  3. My gosh, Jackiesue! What an incredible update!

    Please take care of you! First!

    And thank you for all the giggles along the way!


  4. Wibble got it exactly right.
    So did River.

    You do what is best for you.


  5. I wish the surgery had worked out, but the anesthetic and scrambled brain worries...I'd probably not proceed either unless/until the pain were unbearable with other treatment. I hope they have an alternative in their bag of tricks.

    As to cutting back or quitting posts, I'm OK with whatever you decide to do. Or not do. The real sadness would not be no more posts, it would be in knowing it's due to you are no longer able to post.

  6. You made the right choice Jackiesue. Take care of yourself first.

  7. OMGOMGOMGOMG!! I am just so happy you are still with us!!! We have all been telling you for months that a tiny bit of you is better than no you at all!! Take care of yourself! Say hi once in awhile! If you decide not to carry on, we will miss you, but we understand! If you are going to say goodbye, please tell us goodbye and don't just disappear...it's too scary!! 🥰🥰

  8. Wrong decision, YDG.
    You're not going to heaven anyway, so you might as well delay the demise as long as possible🤪

  9. Thanks for your health update and hoping the best for you no matter what.

    I'm always following your post with a mouth watering appetite as like this last one is just nailing it.
    So if you reduce you're posts for your health condition just do for sake.

    We will just have to wait for such amazing memes.

    BTW, yesterday win of the Dems in NYC seems to be a hope for more next November.
    Seeing how those MAGA freaks are now commenting it is very very funny and they look so desperate too.
    Trump's comment was so.. what ever you want to call it... shit...

  10. Oh, Miss Jackie Sue! You must do what is best for your health Take care! But keep in touch when you can--You are a bright spot in my world

  11. Remember, opiates harm none of the body's organs. If you take is as prescribed it is safe. And there's no real down side to opiate addiction at your age as long as you have access to a safe and reliable supply.

    1. I agree with Wesley Sandel. I have been taking opiates for chronic neuropathy and sciatic pain since 2004. Fentanyl was killing me and the patches were killing my skin....the relatively new Belbuca is a dissolvable patch in the cheek every 12 hours and it is brilliant! There are a lot of choices out there...good luck!! 🥰

  12. Your blog has been a source of many delightful LOLs for me, but please put yourself first -- you've earned it! And may effective pain relief soon be yours, Jackiesue!

  13. Good to hear from you! Listen to your Peeps, Jackiesue. A little YDG is much better than NO YDG. Whatever you’re comfortable doing - we’re here for it. We need to make it through these next few months (how long have we been saying that?) and we do that best - together, with humor.
    It’s aggravating when our “Golden Years” begin limiting our options, isn’t it? Your goal right now is to find where/how you’re comfortable and continue to live life to the fullest. You can do that…and we’ll be here cheering you on 💪❤️

  14. Sounds like you made the right decision about not having surgery. I hope there's good follow up and some decent pain management for you, special massage, accrue punction? Maybe posting less often is a good idea, or maybe posting fewer meme's at a time would work. Try both and see what helps you the most. And yes less is certainly better than nothing. Take care.

  15. Yellowdog, I am beyond glad you are not dead. Not so happy as to the news of pain, as those who live with chronic pain know the unending grind it makes of living. As I learned when taking care of my late husband as he battled cancer, sometimes there are worse things than death. That said, when I meditate I send you the white light of healing that you may find what works best for you. Blogs are secondary or even third in this battle. I know you know this but sometimes it needs to be said, you have to take care of you first, however than manifests. Sending nose boops too, every day for what is life honestly without a nose boop from those who love? Grey One Talks Sass

  16. Wishing, hoping for the best.

    Will be thinking of you happy and well.

  17. I am SO sorry you are experiencing this. Nope, old age sucks for sure...

    As much as I love reading your blog, it should be something you enjoy doing. Don't let it be a chore or a "job". If you occasionally happen to feel like posting something, and it brings you pleasure, rest assured I'll/'we'll keep reading it.

    but mostly I just hope you can find a good path to some relief.

  18. Nose boop. Been flat most of the weekend. Hope you are doing better than just flat. Hope there are sparkles in this day for you. Grey One Talks Sass

  19. Hello yellowdoggranny. We are not going to leave you all alone, with only an old piece of leather to chew on. If you only knew how much you have helped me. We have mutual friends. It is thanks to you that I have these friends.

  20. Take it easy, Jackiesue. One post a week or whatever. I am sorry you cant get the surgery. Going under and not coming out of it is a poor option. Can they not do a local? Spending the rest of your life in pain is no fun either. Love and hugs

  21. I suffer from spinal stenosis and therefore a lot of pain all over the place. There are alternatives to what the medical industry offers.

    I looked into a spinal cord stimulator and I read too many negative reviews from patients who really got them. I looked into nerve ablation using radio frequencies and that was also not affected for most people and actually caused more pain.

    Personally, I had Cortizone injections that help someone with a pain but caused severe panic attacks and Cortizone psychosis.

    One thing that was helpful for me was something called dry needling. It’s different than acupuncture.

    Certain yoga moves have been helpful.

    I had positive results from chiropractic care and physical therapy.

    I had two friends who were chronic pain patients who died from opiate addiction. They were victims of OxyContin. I have used safer opiates such as Vicodin and just plain old codeine.

    Neurontin which is the brand name for gabapentin worked for me but made me extremely drowsy. Gabapentin is an analog of the neural transmitter GABA. You don’t need a prescription for that. I’ve also had some relief from CBD oil. The right type of medical marijuana might be helpful.

    if I had taken the Vicodin as prescribed I probably would be addicted today. I took it as needed and once I got the pain under control I was usually OK for a few days before I needed another one.

    I had been to a number of physical therapists and I was lucky to find one that actually helped me.

    we also did something called Atlas orthogonal chiropractic. I’ve been desperate many times so I thought I would give that a try. After a couple of sessions I was pain-free for eight months. It is very safe and it worked.

    Because the source of my pain is in my cervical spine and it travels all over my body I’ve been using traction, both static and ambulatory and it definitely helps.

    Doctors like to prescribe anti-inflammatories which are ineffective most of the time because, the problem isn’t inflammation the problem is mechanical. If you have a bone spur or a disc pressing on a nerve root or on the spinal cord itself he will be in pain and all that Cortizone And anti-inflammatory drugs in the world can’t change that.

    There are outpatient surgeries that are minimally invasive for removing disc fragments and bone spurs. The problem is the big money isn’t doing full surgeries in the hospital so not too many doctors to that because it’s the orthopedic surgeons that make the big big big bucks. There are people called interventional radiologist Who do these procedures. They operate through a small tube and the incision they make is less than an inch long and often does not even require one stitch but only a Band-Aid.

    I hope this is helpful for you YDG.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....