Monday, June 10, 2024

Bimbo Hand

 I don't know who was with me at the back at the days of yellowdoggranny  while I told stories about Bimbo....well he went to his maker and I'm so pissed. Looks like I'm the only one left..fuckity fuck fuck fuck..


  1. Yes, I remember that name. Sorry for your loss, YDG.

  2. I was not following this blog for the tales of Bimbo Hand. I would love to hear some of the finer ones; I can only imagine!


  3. It’s obvious you still have things to do. I’m thinking gg’s and making this world a better place. Hold the memories close. Are you familiar with the poem “The Last Leaf”? I’m sorry for your loss.

  4. ....and the band played Waltzing Matilda....

  5. So sorry for your loss, my friend. I remember you talked about him on your blog a few times. All you have now are memories.

  6. when we first moved to West all we heard about was the "Hand brothers'...Bimbo did this, Bimbo did that ..he threw a handful of dynomite into the lake to catch fish. He was about 5'8 amd weighed about 200 and was loved by eveyone. So I'd come home and tell the kids all the stories about Bimbo. So one day we're at the stree dance before westfest and I'm in line waitng to buy a beer and I have my daughter with me ane there's Bimbo.I indroduce her to my daugher..Bimbo this is my daughter Maryjo and this is Bimbo..She's about 7-8 and has her mother's mouth. She looks Bimbo from the feet all the way to his head and back down again, shaking her head and says "I thought you would have been a lot bigger."...Bimbo looks at me and her and says "yeah she's your daughter alright.' he'all ways be a lot bigger in my eyes always..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to