Friday, July 12, 2024

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack



  1. So happy (and relieved) to see you back! Thanks for all the great laughs today.

  2. Nice to see you back online.

    So many is going on in USA.

  3. Welcome back, YDG! I hope you're having a good summer.

  4. Been missing you, and hlad you're back! Wishing you lots of good times.

  5. These are all really good. I had to steal a few.

  6. Yes, you are, YDG. The lineup is grrrreat too. Some zingers.
    Yes, Kermit, I do.
    And the second one for sure.
    Glad to hear from you. That implies come hurricane, floods fires, stomach bleeds and killing heat - you’ve prevailed. Outstanding.
    Thanks for the fabulous Friday send off.

  7. Glad you're back!
    You get meme's nobody else seems to find.
    And it's good to see you're, maybe, feeling a little better.


  8. 😬 I get so concerned when you disappear and so elated when you return! 🤗 I'm not sure I can handle this roller coaster! Please stay healthy and stay with us! 🥰

  9. Why wait until tomorrow to hiss at people.

  10. I check in every day to see if you're ok. Take care of yourself.


  11. Yaaay! You’re back. Had us worried there for awhile. My favorite in this line-up…hissing at people. Nearly blew my coffee. Welcome back ydg.

  12. Happy you're back! Thank you so very much!

  13. I'm glad you're back! And back with a bang, too! Good stuff!

  14. Yes, you’re back. Been missing you. Great laughs!

  15. ooooooooooooh some good stuff coming.. missed you guys too.

  16. ...While I generally don't condone any politically-motivated violence, there is a pretty sizeable part of me going "Dogdamnit, why'd he have to miss?"

  17. It's so good to see you're back, YDG, I missed your twisted humour! Today, I can really relate to Kermit (actually, I have since I was 15), but Middle Age Riot for the win!

    Forgive my Canadian-ness, but who the hell has time to cook brisket during a hurricane?

  18. These memes were brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant. Thank you. We love your patriotism and love for the truth.

  19. Lots of good ones there. Love the smokey the bear one and Melania and normal people. Welcome back, we're going to have some tough months ahead of us.

  20. dang!!!!! I had nothing but memes about the shooting. now? joe's out and Harris is. so now I gotta collect meme.

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thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to