Sunday, January 08, 2006


I am in the process of reading a book that by page 14 had me laughing out loud and giggling...haven't read all of it but can safely these books.."ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY", AND "DRESS YOUR FAMILY IN CORDUROY AND DEMIN."
I knew nothing about the author til I started reading me talk pretty and realized he is gay...the book is short stories..the first one is hysterical...I laughed so hard....You don't have to be gay to enjoy these boys..Im not gay and think they are great me... i spake the truth....may the goddess bless you....
Oh on nbc is story on blogging...check it out..


  1. Darn it,I was too late to catch the blog story. But I can still read those books.

  2. David Sedaris is a riot - you should hear is voice - you'll just die laughing! Check him out at and search "Sedaris" on the site. He is an absolute favorite of mine!!

  3. Oh yeah. Read "Holidays on Ice" where he relates the story of working as an elf at Macy's. It's absolutely hilarious!

  4. You MUST listen to the Santaland Diaries. Reading the story is great but David's personal take on it will have you peeing your pants. Especially when he sings Christmas carols as Billie Holiday!

  5. "No cry, no cry... one day, you talk pretty too." hahaha, was I close? Didn't the teacher stab the student in the eye?

  6. OMG I must put these on my reading list!!! I feel like I am missing something reading all of these great reviews!!


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