Monday, January 09, 2006


Over the weekend Jamie called and said her mother wanted to know if I wanted to do some housekeeping for her and of course I said yes.Can go over and do a little at a time and take all week to do it..So went over today and spent 2 hours cleaning the refrigerator..What a mess....I am not sure but think I cleaned up and killed a cure for several gone to red to black..fucking ugly...Had planned on doing more today but wore my ass out doing the frig.All that bending and stooping, is very painful for my will go back tomorrow and do the bath room and the rest of the kitchen.Sitting here thinking I could use a pain pill but have one left and waiting for a really good reason to use a severe back strain from kicking forest gumps notice how I can work kicking his ass into just about any sentence?
I am covered with doggie slobber...Jamie's pit's love their granny...I love those two dogs..they are so smart, sweet and just the total opposite of what pit's are supposed to be like..I really do want to get the fence and gate fixed so I can get one of their babies..but if they have a liter now, will wait till next liter..
I am suppposed to go to the kinky drive in Waco tonight, but afraid that the way my back is hurting I won't be able to handle the drive..30 minutes back and forth is really hard on me, under normal circumstances but after the work out I had today don't know if I am up for it...Took 2 asprins...but like putting a bandaid on a finger that has been chopped off.
There was weird story in the Dallas paper..but bet Dom posts about it too...
A man in Fort Summer, New Mexico was burning leaves and caught a mouse in his house so he tossed it in the fire...(bad bad bad) and the mouse caught on fire and ran back in the house and the house burned down...That will teach him....
Think I am going to get the heating pad out, feel like hammered shit...


  1. That's my job everyday..bending, stooping and pulling pounds of wet, heavy linen out of the washer and into the driers, all day long and I sympathise with you about your back because mine kills me too at the end of every day...(course carrying around all this blubber all day long causes wear and tear too,lol) My shoulders and neck kills me too but I have to work so I just grin and put up with it, like the other women my age that works in that laundry. When you go back tomorrow maybe take it a little slower, jus hope the fridge was the worst of what you have to clean,lol...hugz, Linda

  2. now if that mouse isn't a case of a divine interventional beating, then I don't know what is...

    bummer about your back, JS. feel better soon!!

  3. Ouch! Sorry about your back. I spent a year with a herniated disc and Sciatica shooting down my right leg. Pure agony. What the hell was in that refrigerator? Ours gets bad but not "2 hours" bad!!!

  4. sorry to hear your back is hurting you so much. cleaning out any refrigerator is good for that, never mind the frig from hell.
    i read about that mouse incident on cnn. serves him right for burning a poor little mouse.

  5. I know what you mean about the pits. Our dog Bob is a pit bull mastiff. He loves everyone but is very protective too. When a bad pit attacks someone, it gets news coverage like crazy. But one saved a guy from a fire a while back and got very little coverage from the press, guess it didn't fit the stereotype.

  6. Are you a total Monica? (From "Friends"-- maybe it's "Are you a Bree" from "Housewives") You must be the most helpful grandma on earth! I hope your back feels better soon!

  7. Sorry about the back. It will be a shame if you miss Kinky, I know you have been looking forward to it.
    Not being allowed to work has its advantages. I've been bothered by back trouble for years, but not so much when I'm not working. :)

  8. that story cracked me up. stoopid mouse. but i must say the mice that i saw in kentucky are such sweet looking little bastids all pinkish dainty limbed and white whiskers...ours are kinda ugly looking little beggars.

    hope your back to feeling somewhat better js...altho with a back like your's that's not gunna happen really huh. i once left a frypan of cooked mince [hamburger] in my oven for a talk about swallowing my own vomit. not nice.

  9. ryc:...uhmm no ONLY because i only had the one pkt js. my thinking was no use wrecking a perfectly good pork skin. but i will definitely try it once i am back in the land of the pork skins.

  10. Ouch! I hope you feel better. Of course, I'm so far behind on reading blogs, I'm not sure what day you posted this... it could have been last year... damn time warp...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to