Friday, February 10, 2006


This is what I get for braggin' about the great weather we were having and should have known better..The Goddess has no patience with braggarts...and she sure did zap me with this one..It is about 39 degrees and with the wind blowing I'm not sure what the wind chill is...Do know that it is supposed to get down to the low 20's tonight and remain that way for a few days...fuckity fuck fuck fuck.Thought I was such a smarty by going to the store and stocking up on goodies for the cold weather and damn if I didn't forget to get tea bags..and let me tell you, you think I get pissy when I don't have Dr.Pepper or Blue Bell, well it's nothing compaired to me not having my hot tea during the winter and iced tea during the summer...I have one tea bag I have no choice...I will have to bundle up my chubby ass and brave the cold weather to go get tea bags..This will not make me a happy camper...might get some cocoa too...with marshmellows..(not sleep, the real kind)...wonder how cold it is up in Dallas where Babs is hibernating...? Rocky slammed his body on the screen door to get in, so I fed him and gave him canned milk...he jumped on bed ..licked his balls and went right back outside...asshole..ok, I'm off to community least I have plenty of Blue Bell...have 2 1/2 gallons left..ate all the caramel, turtle nut ice was good...the blueberry cheese cake is good, but I didn't remember till after I got it that I don't like icecream with cake, or brownie or cookie mix in it...I know you all do...but it is just not to my taste...ok, really..I'm going get my coat, purse and go to the store...oh, and change shoes...yup, I'm really going now...going to stop typing and go to the I am...right now...
fuck me till it snows....


  1. Damn girl, I am having a serious munchie attack!!! This post was bad for my diet!!! LOL!!! I hope you survive the cold!!!

  2. I got a cavity from your post, and I wear false teeth.
    Your also sending me into a coma from to much sugar.
    I can't afford to get any more pills we don't have a Costco here. Hope you dont end up a Jackiesue sicle. :)

  3. It's gettin' cold up here in Ok.
    Tonight it's suppose to get colder than a withch's titty. Saturday night it's suppose to get colder than a well diggers ass,at least that's what channel 10 says!

  4. It's 26 degrees here and I'll drink hot water before I go ANYWHERE! 'Course, after reading that grocery list of goodies, I s'pose anything could happen...

  5. What torture, to have to go to the store in lousy weather.... poor soul. Let us know whatcha got and how you are... :)

  6. Turned cold up here in Illinois, too, Jackiesue! 'Course, this time of year it's SUPPOSED to be cold, but we got kinda spoiled, I guess. It's supposed to snow the next four days or so. Well, not really "snow", but "flurries". We got 'em right now, as a matter of fact. Not enough to mess up the roads or have fun in - but just enough to fuck up the car windows!

    Come on SPRING!!

  7. I hear you on the tea. I can even do without coffee these days as long as I have my tea bags. I love English Breakfast tea, Earl Grey and even the flavored teas. Right now I am loving vanilla carmel tea. OK now I am going to go make me a cup of tea. lol

  8. It's fucking cold up here!!! i'ts 36 degrees right now, but the north wind is kicking hard. I need to go to my car to get the diet cherry coke. I figured I let the weather keep it cool in my car. And I also need to take out the trash. I'm going to have to bundle my Texas ass up. Trying to work up the nerve.

  9. YOu call that cold ? My kettle in my lock-up was frozen last week FFS!
    Roll on Summer !
    Do you still have teeth ? I'm waiting til mine all fall out so I can munch on choccies and not care HA!

  10. I have to have coffee to wake my ass up in the am but at night I like to drink hot tea, my last cup is before I go to bed. I like just regular old Lipton's and English black tea, Irish tea is good, too. Think of me when you hear about that shit-pot full of snow falling down on my head up here,lol...


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