Friday, February 10, 2006


Article in my DAM NEWS today....had to laugh...Kinky is unveiling his new singing toon and called a press meeting for it and only one reporter showed up...Looks like Kinky's run for independent Governor is going to be a little bit harder than he expected. Thursday they held a news conference to preview a new Kinky Friedman Internet cartoon. No coveted TV types. Not even radio.The sparse attendance reinforced the cartoon's tongue-in-cheek top 10 list:impossibliities that are still easier that running as idependent candidate for governor.
They include, "Getting Texans to pay more attention to international geopolitics than to high school football." And"accomplishing bipartisan redistricting", or "explaining evolution to the Texas school board." Monkeys are shown eating law books and aliens "manning" the Marfa Lights.
The "audience" seemed to enjoy some of the 4-minute animation, chuckling on occasion.
This is the second cartoon by the Kinky Kamp, the first, which introduced the candidate, was downloaded about 100,000 times, campaign manager Dean Barkley said.
This cartoon aims to drill home the message that independent voters need to do specific things to help Kinky get on the November general election ballot: resister to vote, sit out the Democratic and Republican primaries, then sign a petition.
Kinky's video also features a little warning,"Do not sign Strayhorn petition."It would disqualify the independents from signing his own.
If you want to see both 'toons, you can log on to
They had another meeting in Waco for volunteers but I didn't lone trip to Waco was enough for me..I will go door to door in West and register voters and get people to sign the petition, but I'm not going to Waco again unless it 's a rally for Kinky and he is there...Think ole Kinky's trip to the governors mansion is going to be as a tourist on a bus...


  1. Ya never know. A lot of people are fed up with the broken Republican and Democratic political machines. It's getting to the point that I believe anything can happen even though the deck has been stacked against new players.
    Some democracy.

  2. It is so awesome that he is running whether he gets notice or not!!! And I am so glad you are keeping everyone up to date on this!!! Delightful is the only word that describes Kinky's run for Governor!!! Do you know who Screaming Lord Sutch and the Loonie party were in England?? I always wished we had more of that here!!!! YEA KINKY!!


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