Saturday, November 18, 2006

.......DID YA MISS ME.......

I have been bummed...out! Not sure what the cause of the bumming but I was in a I told the 'lady with two pussies'...If I didn't know better, I would think I was depressed...but I don't get as close as I can figure it out..I was bummed...not sure that is a medical term, but it works for me...
Have been doing a lot of reading..My true first and best love..Bought a book from used shit store called..'Hominids' by Robert J. Sawyer..he's a Canadian author and never heard of him before but I sure do like this's the first in a series called the "Neanderthal Parallax." It's about parallel universe's where in one world the Neanderthals survive and the homo-sapiens don't and during an experiment one of the scientist gets sucked into our universe..It is so cool...and I like the Neanderthals better than the homo-sapiens ..Henrietta ordered the other two from the series for me and will get them this coming Thursday..I can't wait..Also reading Mockingbird(A portrait of Harper Lee) by Charles J. Shields and it is excellent..I had stowed away the information and then forgotten that Harper Lee only wrote the one book, "To Kill A Mockingbird."She has been in the news and on peoples mind because of the two movies about Truman Capote..I had also forgot that he took her with him as a research assistant when he wrote "In Cold Blood." and the swarmy little bastid never gave her full credit for what she did..
Someone donated 2 boxes of books for the library sale and since I help her out occasionally at the library she said I could pick through them and take the one's I wanted...hoo I got a bunch of books on herbs, vegetarian cooking, 2 books by Susanne Summers on cooking,dieting and losing weight.(I have a feeling this is going to be very boring unless you are into you can check out now if you would like as it's not going to get any more exciting that this)
Found a book by Bill Bryson and it's about Australia called 'Sunburned Country"...and one that I'm really looking forward to reading 'A Piece of My Heart'(the stories of 26 American women who served in Vietnam)by Keith Walker.Bought some computer books pretty cheap:Faster Smarter Microsoft windows 98 and Dos for Dummies..don't even know if they are relevant but at .25 each I thought what the hell..Found Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams,The Self Health Handbook,and Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists.I am trying to figure out a way that I can control my diabetes without using pills...of course until I do I will continue with them but there has to be another way right and exercise..take vitamins...yadda yadda..but it's true..just pisses me off.. in none of the books does it say and don't forget to drink one Dublin Dr. Pepper a day...fuckers..
I also just finished reading Damnation Street by Andrew Klavan who is the author of True Crime...a great book and almost a great movie with Clint Eastwood..This is a author I highly recommend..
I also watched 'Closer' last that was a really good movie...just the 4 actors...and Julia Roberts didn't play her normal Julia Roberts role...
going to watch 'Snatch' tonight...
Finally got my Vanity Fair magazine and what a waste of dead trees..really disappointed..had some light weight white washing article on Rowe...ick! a bunch of articles on rich white people and some pictures of good looking young white people thrown in for good measure...puuuuulease...spare me..
I have been on a trail mix kick...make my own and it's so good and cheaper this way...put mixed nuts, sunflower seeds(hulled), coconut, dried cranberries or raisins..less than $7 and makes a ton of trail mix..thanks to the $store..(I'm having a de ja vu feeling maybe I have already mentioned this before...)
I am going to open up a online bookstore..kind of a no book over $5 store..trying to think of a name for it...any ideas?
Well that's all folks...sorry this was so boring..but since the democrats haven't fucked up yet, things are a little dull...soon as they figure out they are in a position to do good and make a difference they will panic and fuck up and then it will be business as usual..other than forest going to nam...(insert draft dodging joke here)...not much is going on..hope to have something worth writing about soon...
fuckme till I'm forced to think...


  1. I got just the picture to make you smile...go look at my blog and the picture of my nephew Tom.

    Dr. Pepper, don't think about it, yeah right, just like the can of double chocolate frosting in my cupboard I'm not thinkig about.

    You are not alone so chin up and tits out and yadda, yadda. You know the drill.

    yellowdog granny's on line book store sounds good to me. :)

  2. That last post used up too much of your Gotcha points and now you have to recharge them.
    I guess the Gumps deferment finally ran out. I read a headline that he only went out once for fifteen minutes in his limo. Maybe he's afrade of that bullet.
    I buy used books at the library too. 25 cents for hardcover and 5 cents for paperbacks.

    How about calling the store "Sawbooks" instead of a sawbuck like a $5.00 bill was called in the old days.
    Naw people don't remember that slang anymore.

  3. nancy: i went to your site earlier and loved the picture of your nephew..he's got a great face..but I couldn't comment at all..tried 2 different times...
    nitwit: hmmm. sawbucks books? that's not a bad idea..
    hey, george may be stupid..but he ain't that stupid..he knows there is a bullet flying around there with his name on it..i just can't believe he had to balls to go at all...
    Carina; me too...I have boxes and boxes and stacks and more stacks of books..and they range from biographys, fiction, non-fiction, travel, history, art, religion,politics, humor, football, old, new, photography books, collections of doonsbury,bloom county and all the weird stuff in between.

  4. That Neanderthal series sounds interesting. I've always found the Neanderthals interesting. And I like sci-fi, too. I'll have to look into that.

    Yeah, I guess you know that the character Dill in TKAM is based on Capote, right?

  5. yeah bummed out is a gooda term as any...I've been reading Jean M. Auel's series of Earth's Children books...into the third one now The Mammoth Hunters. You read 'em?

  6. Jublue: i think you will like them .well i have only read the first one..there is a fiction book called neanderthal and one called Adam that are really good and about neanderthals...
    yup dill was capote..or vise versa..ha
    apos:yes, i read them years ago but am thinking about rereading them again...i really did enjoy them..

  7. 1)Jackiesue's great American circus of fine pre-owned literature

    2) Cheap Books

  8. "Piece of My Heart" sounds like a great book....sad....but good.

    I liked "Closer" too. I adore Clive Owen. Yum! ;-)

  9. there are few things on this planet better than a good book. i just wish the publishers would put out more books in the "large print" format.

    if i was king, 95% of the library would be large print with a small section for normal/small print.

  10. I was going to say Y.D.G books .. BUT I saw the comment above and think "Snatch a Book" would be very clever!

    Right now I am reading Dearly Devoted Dexter which is a sequel to Darkly Dreaming Dexter. They've been made into a TV series, but books are always better. Very dark .. I can never see it going mainstream. The lead character is a cop who is a serial killer that goes after bad guys in a very gruesome way.

  11. Book idea is great.

    Mood and stuff can be f*cked up by the diabetes and bouncing blood sugars ....

  12. my vote goes to 'Snatch A Book' great name for your venture.

  13. sling:......oooooooooookay!
    big pissy; clive owens is hot!
    babs:im starting to like snatch a book!
    mimi: this last batch of trail mix was really good..i like the cranberries in place of raisins..
    ol'lady: i agree..snatch a book sounds like a winner..

  14. I always get bummed when the sun starts away from the earth and i am afraid it won't come back. Light candles and take lots of bubble baths. It helps.

    AND the Dallas Cowboys beating the Colts today and spoiling their undefeated season should snap you out of any funk!!!

  15. Well, yer gotdam Cowboys got lucky today and stuck it to the Manning kid. Parcells is kinda like one of those Neanderthal's that survived ... but shouldn't have... But he does know how to slip up behind folks and gettem where they ain't looking... I don't care anyway, cause my Titans won today. That's one in a row...

  16. Bill Bryson is Brilliant !! I love his books about England.
    Harper Lee's 'to kill a mockingbird' was on my 'o' level English reading list I still remember it when I hear the Boo Radleys 'wake up Boo!'

    Ain't even gonna ask about 'the lady with 2 pussies' I just hope they were cats !

    Wtg Cowboys and Yay Panthers !
    Sure do miss u over at my blogshite!

    PS Neaderthal man sounds ever so similar to Alamabaman hehehehe

  17. This post includes two of my favorite things: "Snatch" (the movie, not the body part) and trail mix. The former is hilarious and the latter is delicious.

    Oh, and Chuck Rangel is advocating that we reinstate the draft, and he is (unfortunately) a Democrat. I know there's no chance in hell that we'd ever reinstate the draft, but it feels a little like betrayal after helping hand Democrats Congress.

    All I can say is... I'm glad I'm a cock fiend.

  18. OK JS, I need to catch up. . .

    First, congrats on kickin' my sorry ass in the Fantasy League. . . If you subtract Superdudes' points for the first two weeks we didn't run, you won!! I'll post that over at the Church when I get a moment.

    My name suggestion. . .

    Yellowdog Granny's Bargain Books
    Tag line: No book over 5 bucks! (I know. . . BOOOOOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNGGG!!!!)

    My father was diagnosed with Type 2 about 15 years ago (He too started at over the 300 mark on his blood tests). He took the meds for about a year, but now controls it only with diet. That even includes the occasional beer or Jim Beam, ice cream (the man LOVES ice cream) cake or other treat.

    He eats fruit, veggies, red meat and doesn't miss a meal (he lost 50 lbs. in the process too!). It's all about moderation and discipline. His Doctor told him he needs to write a book about his success.

    Hope you have a great week!!!

    Love ya!!!

  19. Bill Bryson rocks.

    Can't think of a better shop name than Snatch-a-book meself.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to