Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I am so upset with myself..
I let family problems and the stress of being a diabetic become an obstacle I couldn't over come..I was so proud of myself for not giving in and allowing problems push me into something I had been avoiding for so long..I can't tell you how hard it has been, especially in a town like West where it's almost on every corner...Every time I would go to the stores there would be either advertisement or the product themselves...every where..I would wake up in middle of night wanting a drink and couldn't go back to sleep thinking about it..My birthday came and went and I just wanted to drink all that much more..till finally I was so beat down I couldn't stop myself..and just said fuck it...I got in the truck..drove down to Community Grocery...didn't make a stop and say howdy to anyone, just went and got it and took it to the register and bought it..I took it out to the truck and in shame I opened the bottle and drank it ..right then and there...damn...I'm so sorry...but if I had to do it all over again I would...that was the best fucking Dr. Pepper I have ever had..


  1. Diet Dr. Pepper is NOT like original Dr. Pepper. You deserve The Real Thing every so often. Glad though that you offered up a confession.

  2. As usual you had me going there.

    Take care.

  3. Well hopefully you didn't have to take a breath test and you got home safely.

  4. Your an evil person Jackiesue. Got me all worked up and then tease me with real Dr. Pepper. Evil, Evil, Evil....

  5. jan:and i drank a dublin dr.pepper which is only 81/2 oz...
    r rogers:ahh, my work here is done
    mike:i did have a sugar high and giggled all the way home.
    nitwit:heehee..I can't hep my self..

  6. Omg you got me!! I'm type 2 also every once in awhile when my sugars are doing ok I go treat myself it's ok. I hope you enjoyed it. You deserve it!!

  7. That is tough though...I tried the Diet D-P for a week once - figured it was closest diet drink to its original - god its jus not the same - i have no discipline - i have to have sugar drinks and rot my teeth - congrats to you for trying to keep goin at it so long!!

  8. Good God woman, you had me worried then you minx ;)

  9. Gotta cut loose once in awhile .. it's good for the soul ... Cheers to Dr. Pepper! ... :)

  10. I told you Dr. Pepper Annonymous never works!

  11. Sorry to hear about your sugary relapse.

  12. You can only slay one dragon at a time Sweetie. . .

  13. Shame on you *giggle^

  14. I just asked Bruce if a diabetic wanted to commit suicde how would she do it? He said she? I said yes, she. He said I dunno, how? She would go into the cupboard and get that can of chocolate frosting out and eat it. Yes, it's in the cupboard and I can't stop thinking about it....I just don't want to die right now in this moment, maybe tomorrow. :)

  15. cherlee: i wont drink diet dr. pepper, i will drink diet canada dry or diet coke..but dr.pepper only the real thing will do.'
    tina: can go 15 years with no booze, but cant make 2 months with out a regular dr.pepper..
    pixie: nit wit's right...i'm evil..
    sue:goddess bless dr.pepper..
    babs:dp anonymous...sucks.hi, my name is jackie...im a drpepperholic..next thing you know they will be checking me into betty ford..
    brad:yup..had a relapse
    mimi: i am going to buy a case of dublin dr. pepper and just send eveyone a bottle..
    lauren:well, it'll be the drpepper dragon as i already have the booze dragon whipped...no worry about me every drinking again...
    autumn:im sorry..i couldnt resist
    nancy:yeah, if i know im going to croak..i want to croak with a bowl of blue bell in one hand and a drpepper in the other.

  16. You really had me going there!

    Now behave yourself! ;-)

  17. An Empty bowl of Blue Bell And Dr. Pepper bottle you mean. Whata way to go!

  18. Priceless!!!
    I was reading that and until I got to the last sentence, I'm thinking awww JS, stop beating yourself up....
    Dr Pepper. *snort*
    Bad bad girl. LOL!

  19. I know exactly what ya mean. I ate one of those BIG Honey Buns from the snack machine yesterday {hangs head in shame and scuffles foot}


  20. big pissy: im sorry...it started out as a spark and ened up being a lark...heehee
    nitwit: oh yes, licked clean bowl and sucked dry ...
    (im sure there is a dirty joke in there someplace)
    carina: babs said if i really drank i wouldnt mention it..but i would...it's my nature..
    junebugg: ohhh honey buns...get thee behind my fat thighs satan..

  21. Nice 'O.Henry-esque' ending. I wasn't really that worried though- even it was for real, I know you could get back on top and stomp the demons down.
    My late, maternal Grandma was a diabetic recovered alkie, and she only got drunk once in the 24 years that I knew her. We had a good time that night, then she went right back on the wagon. No shame, no blame, no guilt.

  22. maybe you can hire a new york lawyer and sue dr pepper. if some idiot can sue for spilling hot coffee, you should be able to sue for the lure of dr pepper.

    it was real hard not to ascribe an ethnicity to the lawyer.

  23. heh heh...bloody thing you are, my eyebrows shot up so far when I started reading that. I was thinking damn what ELSE has happened to bring the booze on. heh.

    thumb up yer bum.

  24. Just when I was getting ready to be all shocked and offer encouragement and shit... it was the old "soda switcheroo" at the end. Bad Jackie Sue!

    And to add to an earlier commenter, I think a sugary relapse is still better than a sugary prolapse.


  25. Speaking of sugary prolapses *twitch* Apparently that's how you fix a sheeps prolapsed uterus - with sugar. My in-laws are sheep farmers (form an orderly queue for the sheep-shagging jokes please) and frequently after birthing lambs, sheep have prolapsed uterus (what's the plural of uterus by the way?....uterii??) and you sprinkle sugar on the offending organ which shrinks it somewhat and then it can easily (?) be pushed back inside the ewe. Just thought that might be a helpful snippet of info. You've no idea how hard it is to get sheeps uterus's into conversation these days - thanks for the lead in Josh ;)

  26. P.S. I have some snatch for you over on my blog.

  27. thanks for the early morning heart stopper!

  28. allan:ahh, no worries about me drinking again..i like being sober too much..
    rubyrocks: hm...suing dr.pepper.? nah...no way...
    apos: haha...thumb up your bum too.
    josh: sugary prolapse?..er...uh...ah..ohhhhhhhhkay..
    suz: leave it to you to know about a sugary prolapse..and josh...how the hell did you learn about sugary prolapse..i have a whole new admiration for the both of you...prolapse indeed..
    old lady: sorry...like nit wit says..'I'm evil'...

  29. See? You have earned my praise and worship. All hail to JS!

  30. I'll stick to beer , as for all your readers, I thought for one horrid moment you'd opened a bottled JD rye, Glad you chose the Bigger evil!

    It gets on my goat when I see FAT people order a 'diet' drink with their supersized meal !

    I was glad you could be bothered to make your way to my site and comment . I'm so honoured, being as you're so busy reading political shite.

  31. You had me going there. I was really getting bummed....

  32. byg:ohh, i love being worshiped...
    dom: thanks...yeah, beer would be ok, but trust me..dr.pepper doesnt want to make you commit suicide the next morning..
    oh my, what do we have here? a bitter yetti?
    jublue:yeah, I know..im a naughty girl..

  33. Being the daughter of one of the worst alcoholic ever to have lived, you had me feeling so bad for you. You teaser!

    Have a great weekend!

  34. hmmm 4 days no post...must be still on that sugar high.

    and yet another thumb up yer bum.

  35. You write like an old pro!


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