Saturday, December 16, 2006


I got the apartment..Now all I need to do is move..argh...I start freaking out every time I think about packing up all this shit I have accumulated over the past 61 years...And the fucking books..Judas priest..The books..And boxes of arts and crafts crap..boxes of picture frames, kanick kanacks..And more books..Think I may just put a match to it and start from scratch...
Was going to go to Waco yesterday to do some last stuff Christmas shopping and thought I would see if Jenny wanted to go with me..She said she would have a early dinner with me but I couldn't come shopping with her as she was shopping for the family and that meant me too..So I met her at her restaurant and had a great Mexican meal with her and Jason..Who pissed her off cause he was already late and stopped by his house to shave...I think the blush is off the bloom here folks..She called him an asshole dickhead....and a few other choice words I didn't know she knew..Was torn between being appalled and proud...Ha..Gee wonder where she got that from?...

I had a combo fajita place..with shrimp, chicken and beef...didn't eat the rice and only a few chips with the salsa..but decided to go for I had been good for so long and wouldn't eat any thing later on(right...).
I tried to make it to our big mall, but had been so long since I had been there..I got lost..what a riot...they had built another a shopping center.I saw a pier-1...I love pier-1...but quit going after they stopped carrying the funky clothes, jewerly and shoes..Mojo and I loved those weird rope and canvas shoes and I could get some incredible bargains on the jewerly and crap made in 3rd world countries..but they stopped doing that and now are so up town saturday night that I don't enjoy them at all..But did find these beautiful beaded and material covered heavy boxes for jewerly that I know the girls will love...they are small, but so cool 3 for $7.50 and 3 for $6.00.. they were solid red, pink and silver...I was going to go from there to the big mall, but I kept getting lost..and at 8pm I said fuck it and went to Dairy Queen and got me a giant ice cream cone..hadn't had one in over 6 months..was sooo sorry..they are huge now..I know that fucker must have weighed 3 the time I got home I was nearly in a sugar coma..but blood sugar was only 169...but it was high this morning of 161 will have to really watch it I have to worry about the food police..
I rented 2 movies..dead man's chest which made me laugh out loud..but sure was a long movie..and then rented the ice storm?? is that the name..? with Billy Bob Thorton..and John Cuisac...that movie was terrific...I loved it...John C. is the best...
Got a late start to the library so only got to read babs post and this do will catch up Monday..have a great weekend...Cowboys play tonight..everyone cross their fingers for me...the way I have felt lately..the lost of another Cowboy game would just be enough to push me over the edge and send me on a shooting spree...that is if I had access to a gun...thank the Goddess for the 7 day waiting period ...If not I would already be doing time....
fuckme till I pack heat...


  1. "Was torn between being appalled and proud.."

    thanks for the laugh, needed it!

    Good luck w/ the move- moving in real life is way worse than switching blogs.

  2. I need the food police here, I've been soooooo bad. Working all this overtime, I just grab whatever's handy for meals and it's usually junkfood. Then all I do is sit on my ass in front of a 'puter for 12 hours at work (and the 'puter police are on days, so I have to covert blog if I get to blog at all) and go home and pass out till the next day. You can tell all this by the way my ass is spreading out.

    But I'm on a whole weeks worth vacation starting MONDAY. Yeah!!!

    Try to stay out of trouble and I'll catch up with ya later.

  3. hehehe thanks so much for the laughs - you crack me up! Glad to hear you are having a great time eating and shopping and stuff :) "fuckme till I pack heat" hahaha that is how I feel this month - I want the holidays over!!!

    I know you love books like I do, I found gorgeous link/artist that took real pics of libraries over the world - they are awesome. I'll share on blog in day or two :)

  4. Moving is a pain in the ass! I think I smell a yard sale coming.
    I know what you mean about going to the big city and getting lost. I go to a town that is about 30 miles from here so seldom that I have trouble finding anything.
    The trouble with going on a shooting spree now is that they happen so often that you have to do something really strange and different to get the attention of the press or maybe even get the police to notice you.
    I swear I’m gonna write something soon.

  5. I rented Dead Man's Chest and Over the Hedge for the girls this afternoon. They'll have one or maybe both in their stockings but they don't know that yet.

    If I had to move I think I'd pack up the computer, walk out with the kids, and light a match.

    There's always Goodwill to start over.

  6. Goodwill is good for the soul, but yard sales are fun. Just pick out what you absolutely can never live without, lock it up and have the kids take over the rest of the sale. I vote for yard sale. You should be able to get some good blogging out of that experience.

  7. Hey congratulations on the new apartment! They'll let you take Annie, right?
    Moving out sucks....all that cleaning and organising, it's kinda depressing. Moving IN is much nicer, I think.
    I had fajitas last night too. Pork. Yum.

  8. 61 years is a lot of time to accumulate stuff. As a packrat myself, I can only wonder what sorts of things you have in your collection.

    Do you save the fortunes from fortune cookies? I do...

  9. God it feels like forever since I've been here. Kinda in the Christmas funk department. Moving? When? Let me know as I am mailing you some stuff soon.

  10. I accumulate so much stuff, in 5 years, I can only imagine 61 years of stuff! I'd help you move if you lived closer. I love Mexican food, the hotter the better.

  11. As a person who just moved after having lived in the same house for 13 years, let me tell you: get rid of as much as you can!

    I did.

    and three months later I'm still finding shit I should have gotten rid of when I moved!

    Mexican food in Texas is the best! :)

    I used to go through Waco all the time on my way from Ft Hood to San Antonio......

  12. Congratulations on your new apartment Jackie Sue! Best wishes for the move to go as smoothly as possible!

  13. allan:yeah, there is always a part of me that recoils when i hear the granddaughters swear..and then i think well..of course they are going to swear..they got it from all of us..we all swear like drunken sailors on leave...but im always proud when they get as inventive as jenny that girl can cuss...
    junebugg: ohhh, it was great talking to you the other morning..i like knowing that you are in control of all that stuff, cacking the whip on those guys and bullshitting with me on the phone at the same time..ha
    tina:..i have so much fun with myself when i shop...i even make myself laugh..
    nitwit;also bad thing about me going on a shooting i already used my get out of jail free card..wont get away with any shooting sprees this time...
    if the weather holds i will have a garage sale..if donating all this shit to caritas... post something going thru withdrawl..
    babs:they won they won... i thought about sending you a doggie bag but only thing left was the rice and a tsp of sour cream..
    granny; the over the hedge movie is supposed to be really good...yeah, im thinking grab annie toss the match and run...
    jan: all depends on the weather..and it's texas so who knows what it will be like..72 now..could be 27 tomorrow..
    carina;yup..if i go..annie goes..
    will cost $150 deposit..but she said i could pay it out..and have to have proof of shots etc..but that's no problem...
    josh: i dont know if i keep fortune cookie fortunes..but i have every scrap of paper that the grandkids ever wrote on...evry card, every funky school project,all the home made stuff they made and all the $1 store items that they bought me over the years...have seventy eleven little vases, dogs, kittens, etc from them..that's not counting all the articles in paper about their games, and all the stuff i collect because i want tv guides with the another world cast on it when they went off the air..people magazines from when dianah died, ricky nelson, elvis, stuff like that...just crap...
    lauren: yeah, she was really pissed at him for being late..but dipshit dickhead made me feel better about it..haha
    tex:ya...i love hot mexican food..but stuff you get in casa ole is gingro mexican tastes good, but it aint real mexican food...when i make have to smear vasaline on your lips before you can eat it...really.....
    well, maybe that was a lie..but my chili is fucking hot..
    big pissy: waco has some great mexican resturants..the ones over in south waco are the best...
    sue:thanks..have started boxing up shit already..2 boxes....books..ha..


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