Monday, December 18, 2006


I swear to the Goddess.....I'm sitting there in front of my little tv, in my big ole ass chair that fits my big ole ass..Reading my book about neanderthals and what should my little ears hear but...."Oh Come All You Faithful." Twisted Sister...I shit you not...If my big ole ass hadn't been so tightly packed into my big ole ass chair I would have fallen out on to the floor..It takes a lot to freak me out...I've been married 3 times, been to a couple of goat ropings,a dog fight, the Mesquite Rodeo, a luau and the Dallas State Fair and I have never seen anything so fucking freaky in my life as Twisted Sister singing "Oh Come All You Faithful."
Holy Shit!!! If that wasn't bad was the appearance of said Twisted Sisters...they have not aged well, our twisted sister boys of rock...the drummer is big enough to eat hay and shit in the streets, the guitar player is almost as fat as the drummer but makes up for it by having dyed thinning locks of hair....and the lead singer..what the fuck is his name??? anyhow..he needs a lot more make up ...lots more....way more...hell, Avon doesn't carry enough make up to help him ...I just know that if I live to be 118..I don't ever want to see or listen to anything that scary again ....I think they are going to be on the Late Late Show which follows Letterman in case anyone is interested...check your tv guide..

All ya'll in Okla sure and go to the Oklahoma City's
New years Eve Celebration called Opening is the 20th Anniversay...takes place Dec. 31st. from 7pm to midnight at 13 sites around downtown and Bricktown. More than 40 performers can bee seen on 18 stages...and get this...the North Texas polka-fusion band Brave Combo will be among them...that's the band that plays at Westfest every year and has since the first one..they are really good..and even if you don't like polka will love them..
Just when I think ..well,'ve seen it all..some asshole makes a liar out of me...get this:
"Science and technology have advanced so much: a bliind person can hunt right now. But they need someone to tell them, "the Duck is at 28 degrees, aim a little to the left," things like that."...Texas State Rep. Edmund Kuempel, R-Sequin, defending the bill he's introduced making it legal for blind people to hunt with laser sights.....Judas priest..we thought it was dangerous to go duck hunting with Cheney?...well, how about Cheney out hunting with a bunch of blind dudes with laser guns..?Holy Shit!...
Also..just when I was starting to feel really bad about all those illegals that got picked up in the raids and sent back home..I read this little blurb in my Dallas Am News and think..fuckem...
"When 9/11 came along, everyone remebered it. I think everyone will remember this." Isis Diaz, 14, on the effect seeing family and friends taken to jail in the meat-packing raids might have on the local Latino community.
Yeah, those 2 events have a lot in common...thousands of innocent law abiding people going about their daily lives get slaughtered by terrorists..and a bunch of illegals get busted for breaking the law... uh huh...I can see the similarities...fuckme till they get green cards..
Ok, I will close this with my 'Im sorry, it's just the way my mind works little peice of information.'... Am I the only one who's first thought when they heard about the stroke of the S. Dakota Democrat Sen. Tim Johnson...
"oh fuck, the Bushies did it?"

Just seems like it was sooo coincidental ..(especially since the one who will make the decision about replacing him will be a are ahead by one...and then one of ours goes down with a stroke...yeah....right....and it will be tied and tie breaker goes to ole sure shot cheney himself.???? Sorry...I don't trust them fuckers enough to not think they are not capable of doing something to even it up some...sigh* it just me..?...
fuck me till I vote twice in the next election...


  1. Hearing them sing that would freak me out also... hahaha

  2. i didn't get to where i am today by listening to twisted fecking sister.

    what's kinky up since he lost the election?

  3. I thought you were kidding until I went to YAHOO! Music and found this video.

    Copy and paste the link to your address bar to see the whole thing. I laughed until I had tears running down my face!!!

    When you see the couple in red sipping wine, click on "full screen" This is just SO SICK AND WRONG!!!!!

    Sweetie, you made my day twice today!!! First the card and pictures. . . Those fur babies are SOOOO cute!!. . . Then you tell me about this!!!

    Love ya Sis!!! Have a great holiday!!!!


  4. I thought you were kidding until I went to YAHOO! Music and found this video.

    Copy and paste the link to your address bar to see the whole thing. I laughed until I had tears running down my face!!!

    When you see the couple in red sipping wine, click on "full screen"

    Sweetie, you made my day twice today!!! First the card and pictures. . . Those fur babies are SOOOO cute!!. . . Then you tell me about this!!!

    Love ya Sis!!! Have a great holiday!!!!


  5. I thought you were kidding until I went to YAHOO! Music and found this video.

    Copy and paste the link to your address bar to see the whole thing. I laughed until I had tears running down my face!!!

    When you see the couple in red sipping wine, click on "full screen"

    Sweetie, you made my day twice today!!! First the card and pictures. . . Those fur babies are SOOOO cute!!. . . Then you tell me about this!!!

    Love ya Sis!!! Have a great holiday!!!!


  6. So do the blind hunters use seeing eye dogs? I'm imagining a SNL skit.

  7. Blind fuckin hunters??? Keep them down there...Canada does not need that.
    How the fuck would other hunters move through the bush and NOT sound like an animal going somewhere???
    I'm all for equal rights and disabled (or whatever is politically correct) but HELLO this is not a good idea...who the hell came up with the idea anyways?

  8. Good Lord are they still about I thought they were your descriptions maybe they are.

  9. I heard that song on the radio tonight. I'm at work and bored.
    I think I got lucky not seing it on TV.
    So far I have gotten two Christmas cards from you. Maybe I ought to send one out myself.
    I thought the same thing about the Senator but I can't imagine that bunch doing it and not screwing it up completely.

  10. keith:im still having bad in makeup(other than boy george) scare me..
    rubyrocks:kinky has 2 new books out i is a childrens book and it got very bad reviews..he killed him self off in his last book..(disappeared over a bridge into the lake and no body was found) i imagine he is resurecting himself as we speak..
    lauren:glad you got the card with the pictures..anyone that didnt get one and wants one..let me know..yeah, twisted sister singing chrismas carols is one of the seven signs im sure..

    jan:maybe they should use blind seeing eye dogs..and im with you..great snl skit..where blind hunter lasers everybody to death within 37 miles..haha
    ol lady: some people have way to much time on their hands..and wouldnt you know its one of them nra republicans..fuckers..
    apos:they could be dead..they sounded like they should be dead..

    nitwit:i feel so much better knowing it wasnt just me that thought the republicans had something to do with it..yeah, your one that got 2 cards..i sent them out and then got the pictures in and wanted to send them you got another card..ha...

  11. Damn, Granny, I've missed you while I was gone.

    *laughs uproarously* My first thought when he had the stroke was, OMG, we're going to lose the senate! I hope that doesn't make me too evil.

  12. You are cracking me up today (I read the post above and this one back to back). Hilarious.

  13. I've got to hunt down that Twisted Sister video and see it. Sometimes I have bouts of musical masochism.

  14. Twisted Sister, hahahahahaha!

  15. Twisted sister?
    I got one o' those!
    Sent the bitch a Christmas card for a Christmas gift this year...I think.


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