Thursday, February 14, 2008

.......I'M A SCHMUCK.......

I have been doing a little deducting..I have had allergies for fucking ever...sneezing, runny nose, and more sneezing..Every time a cedar tree has sex I sneeze..I'm from the old school of 'if one's good then 2 will be terrific.'...So the destruction's on my allergy (over the counter) meds say 1 every 4 hours..So schmuck that I am...I take 2 every 4 hours...I was so jittery from it that I couldn't sleep at night and so I changed the brand and went back to taking them the way they are supposed to be taken..Guess what?...The rapid heart beat's not the diabetes's the 'too many allergy pills'...I'm not sure that's what the problem is..but every since I stopped taking them 2 at a time, the rapid heart beat has gone away..if it continues like this..I will not call Dr. E. but if it starts up again, will call him..But right now I think it's a case of Dr. Jackie over dosing her allergy medicine...yup I'm a schmuck.
Does anyone remember back when I lived in the little house that I kept getting bit by something on the face and was so swollen that my eye would close and my mouth sagged..and thanks to Tex and a few others I figured out that they were gnat bites and I'm allergic to them..The little fuckers are back..( I noticed it when I brought the plants in from the cold)I have huge lumps on my back and side from them..huge motherfuckers.. the size of walnuts grouped together, red and blotchy and itch like a sonofabitch...It's enough to piss off the Goddess..I art pissed also..But the good news is...I haven't been sick from the 'crud' that is going around...Every one on line and in West have been sick with the 'crud'..I'm assuming that the 'crud' is some form of flu, but so far, I am bug free....Of course now that I have bragged about it..I will come down with a case so severe that I will welcome some gnat bites..
like these....only a lot more of them and a lot bigger..
On the reading agenda I finished the book by Erica Spindler, Last Known Victim and it was really a good mystery...Smug schmuck that I am..I had it figured out by the time I was half way through..There were a lot of red herrings, but I'm too good of a sleuth and figured it out..Now I'm reading the Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz and it's pretty damn funny...Which is good, as I'm due for some funny...I started to read the God of All Animals but it started right off with the drowning of a kid, and thought 'I don't think so'...and switched to the Spellman Files...Actually all I'm doing is biding my time until I get the new STephen King novel.We don't have it at the library yet and I'm chomping at the bit..I have to go to the library today and down load all the information on Obama, Clinton, Hucklebee and McCaine for the old farts at the West Rest Haven..I am going there the 18th and give them all the scoop on what issues the candidates are for and against..If you want any information about the candidates you can get it from is it org..fuck I can't remember..oh kay...I's .org..There is a test you can take that will match you up with the candidate that is the closest to you on the issues..Pretty cool..
Probaly over the weekend I will do another report from West. Both the girls and boys teams are going to district playoffs...We're so proud...
I have to go do really I mean it..I HAVE TO DO LAUNDRY.. I am wearing clothes that I only wear when every thing else I own is in the hamper...The t-shirt is from when the Cowboys won their first Super Bowl, like 93 or something..Plus a gnat just flew up my nose and Goddess knows what kind of damage it can do in there...fuckme till I sneeze..


  1. So basically you doubling up on your speed intake. That will make the heart beat fast. I know there is some natural remedy for those gnat bites, rub a watermelon rind or something on it..Why does the gnat have a g?

  2. sage:yup...just a speeding away..but i dont' fucking sneeze...haha..yeah, where am i gonna get watermellon in the middle of winter..

    by the way this is a must..everyone must go to ghostofruby.blogspotcom and see the film clip on his post..i laughed my ass's billy pilgrim on my blog's very very funny..

  3. Gnats are evil, and reserved for folks in the south. We don't have them in the north.

    There is a g in gnats and a k in knife because english is a piece of crap.

    Chin up, tits out.

  4. I remember when drugs used to be considered recreational...never had much use for gnats though, even when I was high. Hope you stay feelin' better and have a happy v-day!

  5. Do you have to show your driving license to buy allergy meds in TX?
    They made it that you do over here , if so you will be showing up on their records as a possible Meth manufacturer LOL.

  6. I told you to watch the drug interactions. I hate Gnats they are crazy for beer and land in it whenever there around.
    That reminds me of years ago. I used to go to a bar in Virginia when we sat down and ordered a beer they gave us a saucer of beer on the side ansd the roaches would come up and drink it. Kept them away from our burgers and fries. The Health Department closed them down for some reason.
    The Dems. are starting to hit Ohio abd Texas now. It's gonna be a long time till the March 2 primary here.
    Wait till you see what I got for Valentines Day.

  7. lost:and they fly up my nose all the damn time..freaks me out..
    bbc:no gnats huh...i would almost move north for that..almost..
    allan:valentines way past that..yeah, snorting gnats is no fun, and no high..
    pixie:no but some of the allergy meds are kept under lock and key..but i take the generic benedryl.
    nitwit:yeah, you would think i would start listening people by now about mixing drugs...yeah, like i ever listen to anyone..
    beer for gnats...make a good name for a punk rock band..
    yeah, in the last 20 minutes i have seen the same obama ad 5 times..arghghgh...brace's going to get ugly..

  8. Shelly's reading Duma Key by Stephen King, she liked him way way back when nobody had heard of him. I don't have the crud but I've got the cold front sinus exploding headache.
    Damdole buffalo gnats!

  9. I just want to gently point out that medicines have certain words called "Directions" and not "Suggestions."

    That's all...

  10. I haven't been able to leave comments for the past two days so I'm happy as a clam I finally got on! I've gotta get high-speed internet one of these days!

    I think it's very fitting you are going to be giving the residents at West Rest Haven the down low on the candidates. I'm going to go take that test now...

    Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

  11. tex:if it wasn't for you i wouldn't even know that it was the buffalo gnats that were biting me..who knew they bit?does shelly like the book?
    Jan:shady lane said the same thing..
    BBC:Im not cranky the south it's 'being difficult'...same to ya..
    hmhh:blogspot sucks..half the time i cant post pictures on my posts...

  12. oye! doubling the meds is BAD!
    ~shaking finger at JackieSue~
    Glad the problem has been solved. Happy belated I heart you day.

  13. Oh man, being allergic to gnats would totally suck. They're omnipresent, it seems. Glad to hear you've pinpointed the cause of the rapid heartbeat.


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