Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The good news is, I received the nicest thank you email from the author of The Name of The Wind, Patrick Rothfuss. I sent him an email telling him how much I like his book and told him I did a review of it on my blog and he emailed back and said it made him laugh out loud and he appreciated it and wanted to know if he could link it to his website as he thought other people would enjoy reading it...How cool is that?...I have always written to authors when I really like their work..I have received letters, notes from John Case, Dean Koontz, H. Allan Smith, John Irving,Janet Evanovitch, Sara Pretskey, James Lee Burke and a lot of others..I am in the process of reading Last Known Victim and it's pretty good..While reading it I went to library and checked out Steve Martin's Born Standing Up...I really did enjoy it..It's a small book but only covers his stand-up years, and his relationship with his parents and sister..It makes you sort of understand him a little better..It's worth reading if you are interested in Bio's..
Now the damnit news..I have been having rapid heart beats from the diabetes medicine I have been taking. Then the other day the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute canceled their trials that were using diabetic medicine that lowered blood sugar instead of controlling it...Which is what I'm taking..So going to go see Dr. E. and see if I should stop taking it and switch again...It happens within 3 hours of taking it..can damn near set a clock by it...I was going to go Monday, but I just hate going to him and having to start this crap all over again..fuckity fuck fuck fuck...Pisses me off...Plus I have lost another 4 lbs...little by little..slowly but surely..
It's beautiful in West, by Goddess, Texas today...We had thunderstorms and about an inch of rain the other night and morning..then it was kind of gray and in 50' the sun is all bright and shiny..It's like living in a new place every day..
I will let you know what Dr. E. says...
fuckme till my bloodsugar drops..


  1. Do I dare ask what the temperature is at beautiful West Texas??

  2. damn, girl, you have a fantistic taste in books! those are some of my favorite authors!! If I get this job I interviewed for I'm gonna be thrilled to have the op to read again while riding the train.

    Off topic, are you thinking of calling Bruce tonight or shall I? I can't help but worry about them.

  3. Well bummer about your Blood sugar. I guess cutting back on the whiskey and snickers bars isn't enough. I have a Gramma that is 94 been a full on diabetic since her 40's. She has a shot of scotch everyday. She says that is the best medicine and screw everything else.

  4. I just picked up the Steve Martin book yesterday from my library. (I'm still muddling through Eat Pray Love) Thanks for the review, now I'll be extra motivated to get to it!

    Get your ass to the doctor woman!

  5. Rothfuss was so gracious. Some authors can be total assholes, as I'm sure you know, but he sounds like he has a great sense of humor.

    Don't put off seeing the doctor, but you know that already.W just need to nag you about it.

  6. lost:it got up to 65...but supposed to have rain the next couple of days..but we need it so not going to complain..
    rocky:im glad you called and got to talk to her..I will call after she has the operation...
    sage:eew. even when I drank i didn't drink scotch..was like sucking on a tree branch..ha
    rox:it's really a good book..and i love ole steve anyhow..
    jan:yeah, it was sweet of him and ive been really lucky i'd say 90 % of the authors i wrote to wrote me back..and were really nice..I wrote dean koontz once and told him 'i fucking loved your book'...he said he spit coffee all over the kitchen table..

  7. I am ridiculously proud of the hand written note I received back from Dean Koontz after I wrote him a letter telling him how amazing I found one of his novels. What a nice guy - and I can't wait to read the next one when it comes out in paperback (about the dog). Good for you getting such mention by a famous author on his site - that is very cool.

    Sorry to hear about the health issues - it's a scary thing when our bodies don't work like they used to.

  8. tsduff:oh the new koontz is wonderful..he sends out the news letter with information on his books, etc.and they are written by his golden lab trixie..and she passed away this past summer and when i found out, i burst into now the newsletters are sent by trixie on the other side...still makes me sad.

  9. How cool to be contacted by the author! Love that! :)

    you take care of yourself, girl! Be careful with the meds.

  10. So when are you calling the Doc? I stopped bugging you about it for a few days, but I know he's off on Fridays, which means... you'd better call his ass tomorrow or I'll kidnap you and take you to see him.

  11. I hope you get your health issues straightened away quickly. Congrats on your review, it's got everyone all riled up and ready to read. B&N is supposed to email me. I don't mind buying a hard cover, I can give it to our little library and then they can have something besides Danielle Steele.

  12. That is super cool, to have him linking you!! Sorry about the meds. Take good care of yourself, hon.

  13. I don't know if that med will help you. Get to the Doc. If your having that problem with the pill your not helping yourself taking it.
    My diabetes has gotten mild compared to yours.
    If the trials were canceled they might have found something wrong with the med.
    I've never written to an author. I hate to interrupt their writing. I might have to wait longer for that next book.
    I read too much of Duma Key in bed Tuesday and dreamed a whole new chapter. Haven't gotten to it in the book though. If it's not in there I may have to add it to my copy.

  14. man you got a lot going for you, which is real nice.

    you didn't like scotch? i can taste it now that you've mentioned it. even tho i've quit drinking, i would love some scotch. i hope to have a few brief love affairs with scotch before i croak. the operative word is brief.

  15. First off, I wanted you to understand that I'm taking your comment yesterday to be a wonderful free verse experimental form poem, so be sure to pick up your award at my blog.

    Second, I hope they get the meds straightened out pronto. Fucking pharmaceutical companies scare me with the frequency of "new wonderful" meds turning out to be really crap for people.

  16. I get the news letter from Trixie on the other side - I actually cried too when she died. I think of her when I eat sausages because she always had them on her Christmas list.

  17. I love when authors take time to acknowledge their readers! I was going to read "The Name of the Wind" since you recommended it, but now I'm definitely going to since the author sent you such a nice letter.

    Note to self: Go get library card one of these days.

  18. Hope that chain of thunderstorms and tornadoes and shit that passed through last night didn't cause you any grief...


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