Sunday, February 10, 2008


Son of a bitch....I just finished The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss....remember how excited I was over the latest Dean Koontz book and the Dark Materials?...Well, they suck bite and blow compared to this book..I fucking love it...It is was pie I would have eaten it already..If it was Antonio Banderas I would have fucked him...three times..and been standing by waiting for him to catch some zee's before jumping his bones again...This book rocks...I didn't want to put it down...I didn't want it to end...and when I got to the last 30 pages and realized that there was more story left and not enough pages I knew that this was going to be a series..ooooh lovely day in Valhalla..I want to buy 100 copies and just give them to everyone I know that is a big reader and loves books..
So run, do not walk, to the nearest book store or library and get this book...promise won't be sorry..You will love me for it..You will write sonnets to me...leave me money in your will and offer to whisk me off to some deserted island to have your way with me..(well, maybe not)...But I know one thing and one thing for sure..
You'll be one happy motherfucker when you read page 662..


  1. christi:trust wont be sorry....

  2. Okay, I will go get the book, I love a good book. I also like to run around my house naked, but that is another story.

  3. I hear you on the Antonio Banderas thing.

  4. on my way to Amazon

    love loving books....

    take care!

  5. Just added it to my wishlist ... but purchase will have to wait until April when the paperback comes out


  6. I'd go out right now and buy it but I spent all my money on beer and lewd women. Unless The Boss will share some of her bingo winnings. Might have to wait till Friday.
    I guess I'll have to finish Duma Key now.

  7. i've already written sonnets for you.

    right now i'm on a streak of wrestling biographies, take a look in the catalog for rothfuss when i'm done with rasslin.

  8. sage:i like to run around nekkid during the summer time..when i lived in my little house before i moved to the old farts retirement apts. i would go out at midnight and do nekkid rain dances...on just nekkid dances for the hell of it...i miss that..
    rocky:hmm, the book is about Kvothe(pronounced like quothe).
    It starts out at an inn where the inn keeper Kote(who is really Kvothe) is tending to his business..and then there are demons, and townspeople..and a chronociler who realizes that Kote is Kvothe and ends up writing his life story...which is what it's all about ..the first book is The Name of the Wind, the Kingkiller Chronicle :Day's about Kvothe's life from his time with his parents, to his going to the Univesity (all of this takes place in a country like England but not...) the start of his adventures..It's like harry potter, but forget the harry potter inference..Kvothe kicks harry potters'll love it..
    more cowbell:antonio banderas...Sigh*
    Kath:good girl..let me know how you like it..
    mama kelly: go to the library, if they don't have it..tell them to get it..
    nitwit:finish duma key up and then run don't walk to the nearest library and check it me...
    billy:im wating for the sonnets..I love the thought of someone writing sonnets about dang..
    put down the wrasslin' books and grab up this'll thank me for'll write me MORE sonnets..

  9. I'm in need of a good book to read. thanks for the review and recommendation.

  10. liked it? I've been reading through the list you gave earlier, but I've got the library on high alert for this one. Thanks.

  11. I'll give you my two children and my two cats and my parrot if you get that excited over my novel when it comes out. If you can't beat 'em, bribe 'em!

    Seriously, thanks for the tip. If it's better than Dark Materials, it's tops.

  12. Dam it woman you finished another book !

  13. I'll tell shelly about it, I have to take ritalin to read anything longer than a few pages.

  14. I'm about halfway through Cormac McCarthy's "No Country For Old Men." Enjoying it so far. Definitely see why the Coen Brothers made it into a movie; very violent and filled with dark humor.

  15. I rushed down to OKC to the B&N, and they had to order it?! But I'll be patient.

  16. I need to start reading again but that means you need to come up here and do all of my cooking. Ger here soon too, we're supposed to get eight inches of snow by tomorrow night.

  17. lost:i know i keep saying it..but trust'll love it.
    jan:hhah yupper..i reeealy liked it..
    anne;if i like it like I think im going to like it this book review will look like a funeral can keep the heir, spare and the cats..but i will take the bird..ha
    pixie:yupper..i do read fast..
    tex:you know i dont think you would need the ritlin for this's that good..
    rev:i read the no country for old men..and really liked it too..but thought the road was the worse thing that ever happened to trees...ugh!I was afraid the coen brothers would change the ending, but everyone says nope..just like the book..
    christie:it's worth the wait..but you could go to the library and see if they have it..

  18. dirtyluvah:I'll come cook and watch the kids for you so you can read the book..I'll make stew and home made world famous chili and meat loaf...get the book..the older kids will love it too...

  19. page 2 according to Amazon is due out April 2009.

  20. anonymous:sigh*...that's sooo far away...

  21. Yes Ma'am! I'll get right on it!

  22. When the library here gets a new book the waiting list is about 6 months before you get to read it.
    I prefer to own my own hardcover books. One thing I do is read them again and again.
    I also read a lot while eating which can get messy.
    Now back to watching the space shuttle on NASA TV.

  23. Heard Queen, she's a killer!

    My Queen LPs are all skrtyy , skiyppy, srttkchy....bummer.

  24. as long as the book is not a romance i will buy it

  25. elizabeth:you wont be sorry
    nitwit:I like to buy the books and then donate them to the library..but sometimes its hard to let them go...i really think this book is up your alley..and i didn't steer you wrong on the dark materials did I?
    allan:eeeeeeeeeeeverybody loves queen...
    juju:nope...I'm not the roamance kinda old lady...all those there is a sort of unrequited love story woven in..
    winston:I got a thank you from the author.sent him an email and told him how much i liked it and the blog address so he could see the post i did ..and he said it made him laugh out loud and wants to link it to his blog so other readers can see it too...pretty cool..

  26. Dang, I'm jealous. I wish my book had 1/8 this much impact on people!

  27. Sweet, will have to check this one out. I've been doing the audio book thing lately; hopefully it's available in that format.


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