Sunday, March 09, 2008


I know it's not nice to steal..but this is just so good I had to share it with you...Goddess knows I love Betty Bowers and her word needs to be put out there so the rest of the world can read her..and maybe if I get you hooked you'll add her to your blog roll....It's like she and I were seperated at being the much prettier twin to her smarter other sister..and don't expect me to explain the age difference...
this is about 2 people that are so overrated they even piss off the Goddess.
Thanks Oprah, But I Already Have a Savior, Dear

9th March 2008
Thanks Oprah, But I Already Have a Savior, Dearposted in celebrities, people with funny names, Scientologists and other Guillible People, Christians Behaving Badly, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Money (and other things Bush puts down the drain), show biz trash, my superior values, pesky sick, poor people, gasing up your Bentley, Jesus, vicious gossip out of Christian concern, other people's sins
With a patience even Jesus covets, I’ve unflinchingly watched
Oprah Winfrey furiously root out every last opportunity to insinuate herself into my awareness, like a tenacious hog snorting in feverish determination to get that very last truffle. But the relentless promotion of “The Big Give[r]” may well prove to be an insurmountable obstacle to my composure. Honestly, if I see Oprah Winfrey’s preening mug one more time I will undoubtedly beseech the nearest cloud formation: “Take her now, Lord! And step on it!” After all, as Oprah would be the first to tell you, she is simply too good for this Earth.
I know that there is much to admire about the woman, but in the past several years her ability to annoy has exceeded her ability to inspire. As a Christian, I get rather territorial when someone starts marketing herself as a Savior. And Oprah, the beneficent, unmarried, all-powerful person who wants to be loved by all (but gets tetchy when adulation isn’t automatic by any), clearly has a Messiah Complex. The only thing she seems to love more than being praised for her selflessness is being praised for herself. When not playing the shameless, fawning sycophant to Scientologists and other crazy brands of celebrity, she is staging some publicity coup to give Mary Hart yet one more opportunity to gush about all the good Saint Oprah does.
Frankly, I can forgive the woman for her relentless narcissism; it’s difficult to avoid after two decades of uninterrupted flattery. I can even forgive her for charging poor women exorbitant fees for the privilege of attending one of her empowerment “Look At How Wonderful — And Thin! — I Am” road shows. I can even overlook her naïve pimping for James Frey — and then pretending to be offended by the duplicitousness only when she realized he was hurting her brand. I can forgive her being a coconspirator in Tom Cruise’s manic phoniness, mainly because it is so entertaining to watch two shameless egotists using each other to such unintended, unflattering effect. And can even forgive the lies about
Gayle by someone who pretends to be all about honesty and awareness. But what I cannot — and never will — forgive the woman for is foisting that dreadful Dr. Phil on America. He is an amalgam of every bad quality that Oprah exhibits — with none of her good ones. He is a ardent phony, a shameless, self-promoting narcissist who craves rubbing shoulders with simpering celebs almost as much as celebrity itself. And, just like Oprah, he confuses helping others get out of trouble with helping oneself get in the public eye.
This entry was posted on Sunday, March 9th, 2008 at 2:32 pm and is filed under
celebrities, people with funny names, Scientologists and other Guillible People, Christians Behaving Badly, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Money (and other things Bush puts down the drain), show biz trash, my superior values, pesky sick, poor people, gasing up your Bentley, Jesus, vicious gossip out of Christian concern, other people's sins. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


  1. Reminds me of this MAD TV skit...

    Bow down to the Oprah!

  2. What an excellent response to the woman my friend's grandmother used to call "Orpy".

  3. Yes, and his head is bulbous, too.

  4. mimi:i am very distrustful of people who think they are a diety...i loved that madtv skit..i love madtv..

    bb:grand ole opry..
    josh:he reminds me of all my asshole uncles who thought they knew everything and in reality..didn't know jackshit.

  5. It was worth a trip to her blog just to see the Obama-Ellen Degeneres clip. I'd heard about it, but not seen it :o)

  6. Personally I liked both Oprah and Rikki Lake better when they were heavy. It seemed like they lost part of their personalities with their weight. However, I don't particularly want to choke Rikki. Of course then again she doesn't have an entire magazine so she can slap herself on the cover each month. Gaaaahhhhh!!!!
    Being generous is great, wanting to make a difference is great, but the way Oprah makes sure EVERYBODY knows how wonderful and generous she is just really sets wrong with me.

  7. Oprah gives me heartburn and Dr. Phil gives me gas. I try to avoid both.

  8. Let's add one more complaint against O and Dr. P:
    Neither has responded to my request for a fucking body lift. I'm offering shots at my NAKED body in return for some surgery. Do these asshats not realize opportunity when it kicks them in the head?

    And the linkage of O to Tom I am So OUTLANDISH and dishonest made me snicker at this ungoddess-like hour!

  9. i've heard of this Oprah chick but can honestly say i've never watched her, read her or in anyway had her slip into my reality. I'm all good with that.

  10. I agree with Betty. I really shouldn't have an opinion I have never watched more than a few minutes of Opry. It was hard to avoid D. Phil, who I understand isn't even a doctor. It seemed like he was everywhere for a while there.
    I don't know how his wife and family stand having him around.
    I would watch her show however if her and Dr. Phil agreed to have liposuction. Of course it would have to be Liposuction to reduce a fat head.

  11. I have no opinion about Oprah except to wonder how happy she is at the end of the day. However, Dr. Phil is one of my all-time favorite charlatans. I love watching his phony baloney show. It makes me laugh.

  12. I'm ashamed to admit but I was an Oprah fan for twenty years. Until she lynched James Frey that is. Now, she is dead to me.

  13. but isn't she helping that hussein obama guy get elected?

    i don't watch her show, i can't imagine over 1% of men would watch her show.

    (sorry for calling him hussein but a guy needs to have a little fun once in a while)

  14. Sorry, I want to like her... but she still drives me bugshit. Hard to believe I used to call myself a "fan." If she could just go do good without plastering her face and name all over the universe, I could take her seriously.

    Hey, you have a blog award over at my place! Come and get it!

  15. That was goodly! You would like my friend Trish's blog entry today:

    Apparently it is the aliens who worship her ;)

  16. I use to say her name wrong like Ophra "Ofra" so now I just call her Okra.
    The only thing I like about Dr. Phil is his wife.

  17. beautyboy:you hottie from ohio you...isn't she just 'fab'....
    sue;i went by and i think i love her..she's funny..she has fuck morning people and a little piss and vinegar in the morning is good for ya...i love that...going to blog roll her and everyone else..go check her out...
    tex:like in fried okra or the okra with tomatoes..???yah, phil's wife always looks like she wants to bitch slap him herownself...

  18. Sitting here in the hotel in Oakland... waiting for the wake up call at 3:30am to catch our plane out. Just wanted to say thanks for the fabulous nonstop entertainment. You are so funny! Now I have to go try out Betty Bowers. cheers!


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