Saturday, March 08, 2008


and made me laugh...
Going for my second day on the job..eek!..
will have medical report later...


  1. I love stumbleupon... have had it for years. Good stuff you found to steal...

    I am familiar with walking around like a question mark..I do it fairly often myself I need some sun on my bones I think.

    Do not work too hard woman.. and wear yourself out... you have to have enough energy to keep posting, people are depending on you.

    As for nipping the friends visiting habit in the but with the kids. will there be bipping?

  2. I got another one hooked on stumbleupon. The evil plan to get everyone unable to quit looking at the internet and sleep or work or even go to the bathroom.
    I now have somewhere to put my beer when The Boss takes up all the frig space with leftovers.

  3. I keep misreading the title of your last post...Hamster shit just doesn't have the same ring.

    Love the pilfered funnies!

  4. kath:there is always bipping..'i bipped inky thursday..was trying to run a debit card through and it was taking forfuckingever and then i noticed he was on the phone...walked up to him and bipped him...said good bye anessa and hung up the phone...haha
    nitwit:i am hooked on it...i fucking love it...where i used to play poppit on pogo, now im stumbling on stumbleupon...i bet that will be the first place she'll look ..
    rox:i don't know..i sorta like hamster shit..or even better..i feel like hamstershit..

  5. Thanks for the giggles. I'm having the prescription one blown up to poster size to present to an acquaintance who is bent on spreading misery wherever she goes.

  6. Hahahaha great stuff!
    Don't work too hard.

  7. Very funny. Really cracking up over the job ad and the Pope. Ba ha ha

  8. That Pope one surfaced not long after he was elected. People see Jesus in a piece of toast and tolerate pedophile
    Priests but don't seem to consider this photo as a sign from God.
    I guess religious truth is selective.

  9. I like the Employment article ;D Very funny. I love stumbleupon too - do you have a site of your own?

  10. Oh, the Plymouth Rock much irony.

  11. jan:i read that and cracked up...i know people who could have written that ad.ha
    lost:oh man..we were really busy...I can't belive how much candy we sell..judas priest..they would come in and buy $10 worth of candy...a package of underwear and a wonder americans are so fat..
    cc's mom:i loved the pope one..
    nitwit: i blew it off untill the goddess said it was a true portrait of him...
    ts:gee, i don't know if i do or not..don't think so..but maybe will ad my blog..can i do that?..
    woozie:and just how true is that.?...irony...gotta love it..

  12. That stuff is great...hey did the ponchos sell out?

  13. Those were great! I love the second one. And the JLo one is so sad cuase it is so true!

  14. ha, these are wonderful! i may borrow a few one day ;)

    omg about the classifed ad - that's crazy hehe

    thank you for your comment on my most recent post - i thought that was soooo sweeet :)

  15. it quit no need for the poncho's..but im still pushing them..every time i mention..'we have spiderman ponchos and spongebob squarepants' poncho's.inky cracks up laughing..he said he was going to buy one just to get me to shut up..ahahahahah
    miiiiiiimiiiiiii:welcome back my friend....missed ya...
    tina:you can borrow all you want..and your most welcome..js

  16. Of course the one big flaw in the Marijuana smuggler's CV is that he got caught! Then again, maybe he could run the country...ours or yours...perhaps he could just talk to Bush/Blair/Brown etc on "the consequences of choice"

  17. Damn. Some of those were brilliant.
    "religious truth is selective" - double duh and can I hear an amen?
    I have been to stumbleplace and it sounds like i need to avoid it, seriously avoid it.

  18. I liked the one about the indians oops I mean original Americans, that's what they should have done.

  19. oetm:yeah, i'd think the advert was a lot smarter if he was an ex grower who decided to change his ways..than a xgrower who got busted and did 10 years.ha
    jeez and if it's not bad enough ole blair is coming over here and going to teach at one of our universities about faith and some other dumb shit...kill me now..
    kali:oh trust will be hooked..ask mr. nitwit..he's the one that turned me on to it..and now addicted..but some of the stuff i find on there is absolutely fantastic..some of it makes me roll my eyes and say 'stupid fuckers'....
    tex:yeah, talk about truth!...
    oh well, we may have their country, but they are killing us off little by little with lung cancer from their 'tabacky'...

  20. great stuff. My favorite is the Native Americans. But most folks just can't make that leap -- "but that was different you know!

    I always suspected the Pope had an inside lead to Satan...

  21. Seems like a more delicate way of putting it might be...

    "Horticulture transportation and logistics"

  22. I want some of that antidepressant.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to