Thursday, April 10, 2008


John McCain's temper is well documented. He's called opponents and colleagues "shitheads," "assholes" and in at least one case "a fucking jerk."...
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.


  1. I stole this from an article on stumble upon..forgot to give who ever wrote it credit, and now I can't find it so...hey, who ever wrote it..sorry...but I love it..js

  2. the cost? No idea... it cost me a lot more than I expected ..but there are ways around it, depending on where you live and so on.
    If this is something you want to do.. investigate your options there...

    with our insurance ( hah! ) and my options due to serious dental issues..I cashed in an had to paid up front.. there are lots of other ways tho...

    If you decide to do it, let me know.. and stock up on some hummus....and some yogurt

  3. "...Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair..."

    Are we sure it was 'playful'? I don't know about that. I mean, really, the kind of woman who would marry a Republican probably doesn't do anything in a 'playful' manner.
    Not that I would know anything about Republicrats and Democans, being an inmate of Soviet Canuckistan and all.

    It is funny that the word 'cunt' is still used as a derogatory term for women in North America. In the UK it is derogatory, but used mostly to refer to males.
    North Americans should all be required to read Inga Muscio's 'CUNT'.
    Then maybe we'll all become a 'cuntlovin'' people.

  4. They didn't even mention that McCain also assaulted another member of Congress once.
    But he's a war hero so he can get away with it. He’s a great guy to have a finger on the button.
    Don't you just hate it when those things you stumble into hide from you? I used to have it happen all the time. Now I have at least 8000 bookmarks in about 150 categories. It takes about 2 minutes to scroll through my Art bookmarks alone.
    Gonna have to clean them up one of these days.

  5. OMG, is that for real??? You just KNOW that it will eventually come out that he beats her too. Any man that would publicly berate his wife like that isn't going to just stop at words in the privacy of their own home. What a moron.

  6. Did you know that the word 'cunt' is a form of the Goddess Kali's name? he called her a goddess......LOL!

  7. Lord he'p me,I suddenly like McCain a little more.

  8. I don't think it's the same source you got your quote from, but this article does contain part of the quote and talks about the book it originated from. Sounds like this book is going to be a real bombshell when it hits the bookstores.

    McCain is a world-class asshole. He's wrong on the issues, but more importantly he's just unfit to be president. If he wins the election, this country is going to be even more fucked than it already is with the Chimp running it.

  9. His wife seems to have pushed the wrong button, let's hope McCain never gets the chance to do the same!

  10. I wondered if that would get your interest Kali. You were the first person I thought of.

  11. John McCain is the most dangerous man in America...

  12. Well I don't want him to be our president. But it sure would be fun listening to him talk about terrorists and Osama on a long day.

  13. I agree with Allan, it's only name-calling if they are fine upstanding people, but they are politicans.
    What scares me about McSame is that he is too desparate to be Pres. aWol trashed him in 2000 and for the last 7 yrs McSame has been sucking him and the bible-bangers like Falwell and Robertson. The man has a very good tailor, you can't even see the built-in kneepads in his pants.

  14. sage:i think she's a vampire...or some form of blood sucker..
    sr:cunt used to be my least favorite it's one of my favorites..i noticed that the british men use the word more to call other british men...strange..
    nitwit:i like the fact that he calls his fellow republicans assholes and jerks...but that's about all i like about him..
    i'm telling you..this stumble upon i not only addicting, it's the most fun i've had on my computer after blogging.
    kali:yeah, like we want his finger on the button..he'd get pissed and nuke us..
    allan:yeah, he's dead on there...
    budha:if i had been wifey i would haved bipped him so hard he'd vote democrat..
    byg:as far as i know it's true..i had read it in different places..and he's such an old fart hot surprised he hasn't had a stroke yet..
    betsy:welcome sweety...yeah, but i don't think that was his intentions..
    sling:you bad boy you..
    bat:sorry sweety..he's not gay...he'd give gays a bad name for sure..
    bt:im so scared he's going to making plans on moving to another country cause this one wont be worth shit if he becomes president..
    oetm:arghghhg, isn't THAT the truth..
    winston:ahh, we agree again..
    mimi:i don't want him to be president just to listen to him spout off his mouth...eeek

  15. kulkuri: yeah, his sucking up to bush is the worse...after what bush did to him in 2000...

  16. this confirms it, i like john.

    i'll bet 5 bucks the 2 egomaniacs vying for the dem nomination have those thoughts every fecking day but are too well coached to expose any honesty.

  17. I saw McCain yesterday on The View, and he says he believes in global warming! Ok so I'm trying to see the positive. Aside from that yeah he is Bush lite ;P

  18. I saw that same passage over at Jesus' General. He had an attribution. Forget who it was.

    Perhaps Mrs. McCain would be a good person to have her finger on the button. Her husband called her a cunt in public, and she didn't knock him into the next Zip code. She's a lot calmer than me. I'd have driven a spike into his heart and called it a day.

  19. I'm more concerned over McCain using the word trollop. Trollop? You have to be some kind of cunt to use the word trollop!

  20. hey. i like the word trollop, Tex! it's so... 1880's wild westy.
    hmmm... Kali plots to put the word back into popular circulation.

  21. Why am I not surprised? I think he's batshit crazy.

    And here's an Ann Telnaes animation for ya'll:

  22. The cousin of my ex-girlfriend's old boss's golf partner just got an email that mentioned the McCain cuntbomb. That makes it true.

    "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."

    This doesn't really sound like verbal speech, regardless of content.

    He's still a bad choice for prez, I just don't think this particular incident is true.


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