Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Ok..I swear I'll stop doing this and post a real post..but I have another day off coming and still trying to finish up my fecking laundry..plus I have been playing Farmer Jackie...Ps...I'm not good at it...

cookie moster.....


  1. That poor woman with the cookie looks so hung over.
    I guess I fall between Christianity and Aetheism in my beliefs, (or I just fall between the cracks in all ways) although that particular desciption of Aetheism sounds a fair bit like certain teachings of Qabalah. The atheists probably wouldn't like my saying that though, so let's just pretend I didn't.

  2. Maybe I should start a Stumbleupon Detox center. That working messes everything up.
    I don't believe in a God who allows so much pain and suffering, not to mention if The Gump was created in his image we're in a lot of trouble.
    My God would go in for beer and whoopee cushions and have a big red clown nose.

  3. Dont stop doing these they are so fun, and they make me laugh. I like laughing.

  4. Chagrined at the similarities between women and cats... who'd a thunk it? I'm a bird person - not a cat person so I don't have to admit to any of them.

    Love your funny findings! I needed it to get past this hump in the hump day :-D

  5. Yes, definitely post these when you need extra time to spiff up your upholstery! The first one is a riot. My mom woulda taken that wet ganj and shoved it into a brownie mix and then eaten the whole thing herself before the jeans were even dry.

  6. my mother flushed it down the crapper and yelled at me ad infinitum.

  7. cheesey;I believe the goddess did it all, our of boredom..
    nitwit:yup, she just started all this crap and then when people quit believing in her she said 'fuckyou' and is waiting for us to come back to the fold..she has a woopie cushion and a red nose waiting for you..
    sage:like naps...laughter is good..
    tsduff:laughter heals all..
    anne:I'm still trying to get up enough energy to vacuum..all i've done is feed birds and clean off porch...the brownies sound like a good idea...
    billy:some mums have no sense of humor..

  8. I liked the one about women and cats hiding their poop. Haha that is so true.

  9. Gosh! I guess I rediscovered the REAL Yellow Rose of Texas and who woulda thunk that she lived in West.......ok, I am going to try this again(blog)..I am trying to erase and/or edit my old ones for very good reasons...and WILL (Ya right!) be better at posting! so can this Maine recently homeless guy come home? xxxxxD

  10. dotsson:what is it about women and poop...?????
    Felix:he's back boys and girls..our old friend danny.....hot dang...

  11. The last one is too true, I wonder how much McCain will spend there in 100 years. 100 divided by 5 = 20.
    20 half trillions = 10 trillion But that's ok he'll leave the Bush tax cuts (for the wealthy) in place...I hope he knows voodoo!

  12. Losa discovers boys one was really funny.

  13. Okay most everyone I see at Wal Mart is in fucking pajama pants. So what the hell does Mrs Debra Jackson consider lower than that?

  14. I love these. They are so funny. Don't stop.

  15. These are AWESOME!

    Don't stop! :)

  16. You can keep doing posts like this one..I love them..thanks for the grins granny

  17. "...In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded...."

    Not quite right as both time and space only manifest at the moment of 'explosion'.

    "After the beginning there was a penultimate being. Who, after having been created by the ultimate being, Gaia herself, may or may not have created everything else."

  18. In the beginning there was nothing. God said "Let there be light" and there was. There still was nothing but now you could see it.

  19. tex:yah, talk about trickle down..
    kali:yeah, that one was my favorite..
    mimi:i'd hate to think what she considers dressing up....decorated flip flops?
    lic:yup..it is so much fun..i love them..
    bp and bat:oh kay..i promise not to stop..ha
    sr:oh...i think she did..she did it all, she just lets God take credit for it..
    tex:and it's been down hill every since..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....