Sunday, May 18, 2008

Elizabeth picked me to do this meme...I have done it before and when she picked me my first reaction was 'oh fuck' I am up to my ass in 'gators' with books right now...but as it happens, I have the Parent's Guide To Preventing Homosexuality right by my computer, as I am sending it to Anne Johnson from so she can do a post on it...I couldn't do it as that meant I would actually have to read it..I think I can handle going to page 123 finding the 5th sentence and then copying the next 3 sentences..or is it 3rd sentence and the next 5 sentences...oh fuck...can't remember..I will pretend I actually know what I'm doing and will go with the first ..brace yourself tis'......
"And they recognized that, with proper guidance, the young person would sort out the real meaning of his sexualized longings.
But today, the teenager's natural desire to belong to an embracing community--along with the extraordinarily easy availability of gay sex-can quickly lead any confused young person into a deepening gay self-identity. In fact, quite a few on my adult homosexual clients have told me that they always assumed they were straight until their first homosexual experience; afterward, they believed that the pleasure felt in that experience must have proven them to be gay.."
Please Goddess tell me that's all I have to read...
Excuse me I have to go wash my eyes out...
I am supposed to pick out 3 people to do this meme, but any of you can do one if you like..


  1. Granny, you are very brave and kind to have read such filth and idiocy for me and the meme. Hope your eyes have recovered from the hard scrubbing you had to give 'em!

  2. I gotta go tobed for 3 hours so I can't do it now, but I will do a proper job as soon as I can.God help me I hope I can scrub my brain with a Brillo pad. But it's worth it for Jackiesue.

  3. HA!

    That book gives me the giggles.

  4. I've done this meme before...luckily for me it was a Stephen King book. :)

  5. I can't believe trees died to produce that book.

    The scarey thng about it is I've no doubt there's a special section in every Xian bookstore that has several dozen equally horrible books sitting there, all claiming being gay is a preventable choice rather than the way people are born and that it's possible to pray your way to a cure.

    Definitely not something I want to be thinking about first thing in the morning.

    The book I grabbed off the shelf is a John D. MacDonald mystery, much lighter, happier (even though several people in it end up dead) reading than what you were stuck with.

  6. Anne is made of stronger stuff than me - first she read that horrible book by Cindy Jacobs, now she's reading the anti-gay book too? I'm concerned for her safety. Exposure to that much concentrated stupidity can cause cancer, you know.

  7. Wow!



    I am trying to come up with something to say about that excerpt. Um... I got nothin'. I'm just kinda making this face:


    because reading that kind of stupidity is like introducing antimatter to matter with my thought process.

  8. I wished being Gay was all about sex,....I would probably be having more sex. Dammit all to hell. Those are the kind of books my mother reads and then has prayer meeting to discuss them. All the reading and praying she did didnt work.
    I have to catch up on the gods are bored website...been busy...being gay.

  9. elizabeth:im not over it yet...all of a sudden i can't tell the difference between orange and red...
    nitwit:ahh, that's so sweet...hope you had a good nights sleep...
    bratprince:you got the giggles i got the shits...
    unokhan:oh cool, I can hardly wait..
    nan:yea, i'd rather read a good john d. macdonald too..
    big tex:she's braver than me that's for sure..
    rebecca:and these people breed, THAT'S what's scary..
    sage:well, that goes to show you how dumb i am...i always thought it was about sex...i may need classes...she's on a roll over sending out the book to her tomorrow...

  10. What what what?!

    "...extraordinarily easy availability of gay sex..."

    I fuckin' beg to differ... :P

  11. That was brave JS :)

    I would have used it to light a bonfire!

  12. I am surprised you even allowed that book in your house, unless it was for tp purposes.

  13. Thanks for leaving me a message! I will be sure to check out your friend Anne's blog. And I just realized, coming back to your blog, that you are from Texas! I lived almost my entire life there. I've been in NJ almost 9 years, and still consider myself a Texas girl at heart -- and I have a huge cow skull in my garden to prove it! Of course it's fun to tell the local kids that it's a cow that crossed me one to many times and I zapped it, lol!

  14. Holy shit, it just hit me.

    This book might be written by life-long denying, holyrolling guys who refuse to accept their own homosexual desires. And they are trying to tell other people how they can deny the same urges THEY have denied all of their lives!


  15. ewwww...I have no clue as to what a meme is but if it has anything to do with that book I want nothing to do with it. who would write such a book?! I don't want to know because I just might track her down and make her have gay sex...that would teach her!!!

  16. josh:i thought you would appreciate that..haha
    sue:as soon as anne starts posting on it i will let everyone know...she'll do it real justice..
    jez:i just wanted it out of circulation so no one would read it and be harmed by it..
    mrsb:where in texas are you from...anne's in new jersey but she's a appalachain girl at heart..
    gaddy:i dont think they live in a real world at all..all i know is...its a sad sad world..
    bat:i don't know what a meme is either...really..i just obey a good little nazi...I think all women would eat pussy at least once in their life and all men should suck one dick..just get it over with..get it out of your system, see it's no big deal and move on with your life..hahahah

  17. I could get my gay guy friends to yank off on this book before we burned it on Jerry Falwell's grave. That would be fun!


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