Saturday, May 31, 2008


I think this one is my favorite of allllll of them....


  1. The myspace one and the last one are my favorites - o dear I guess that shows my humour level.

  2. Oh man, what an assortment! I need to post some of the weird shit I've found lately...

  3. Aaaahahahahahaaaaa!!!! Thanks for the laughs! It's been a craptacular weekend, so I needed to laugh! Thanks!

  4. I like the last one too. Also the dyslexia one. My brother was on a baseball team once and his number was 96. He had a lot of fun telling people he was dyslexic.

  5. THE MYSPACE ONE! Sweet cripes on a cross.

  6. As a two year user of Stumbleupon I have seen all of them but still love them. I don't know when I'll post again. Family problems are coming to a head. May have a much larger household soon. Daughter is in a bad relationship but won't ask for help.

  7. I'm on my way to work...and I knew if I came here I would get a laugh before the salt mine...:)))

  8. Oh, those are hilarious. That MySpace one really cracked me up, as did "My God, I'm pregnant; I wonder who did it."

  9. The myspace girl is my kind of woman. If she doesn't care about turds in the toilet, I doubt she'd complain about me leaving the seat up!

  10. mrsb:me too!
    mandy;i loved the mom your drunk one because as i was an old drunk i can relate to that one..ha..
    josh:go for'll feel better..
    rebecca:glad to be able to raise your spirits..
    joy:that one cracked me up...i think i would like your brother..haha
    buddha:don't you know she emailed that to some hot guy who was totally grossed..or like tex was turned on..haha
    nitwit:oh man, im sorry to hear that..any thing I can do?....lend an ear, lend a shoulder?...send her to west, we'll take care of her..
    mcraven:hope your day goes well...lighted a candle for you last night..did the prayers get to you?
    rudegirl:i love stumble upon...always find something to crack me up.
    tex:only you would see the good in a turn in a toilet..hahaha

  11. Those are all good...I am printing the goth one of the guys I work with has a daughter that is all goth. he will kill me.

  12. The anteater is my favorite. We all want to be the anteater.

  13. Gothopotomus! Gaaaaaaa!!!


  14. LMAO, especially at Mooseknuckle and Gothopotamus!

  15. LOVE THAT LAST ONE! My mom wrote it. That's my handwriting underneath.

  16.'s a good one..
    sage:he'll get over it.ha
    jan:i think there's a lot of the anteater in all of us..
    gaddy:pretty gross huh?
    bigtex:please some one kill me if i ever get that big..
    anne:i swear i wrote it and mojo wrote the reply..hahah
    big pissy and chickie:i love stumble upon...some good ones..

  17. mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa... all awesome- but i love the last one?!

  18. Not for the first time, she wondered what it was and why it was there. Like him, Hyle was naked save for the robe that had seen better days. His hands at her waist steadied her as he obediently scooted forward in the chair. He didnt look up. The stone beneath her clutching fingers started to crumble.
    [url=]black shot[/url]


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