Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Guess what ?..Went to Dr. E's and he looks at my chart and say's 'hmmm, I think it's your blood pressure medicine."....Seems 35% of the people that take the blood pressure pills I have been taking have chest congestion and a cough that never never goes away.....WTF?
and it took him 25 fucking days to figure this out?....So I'm changing my medicine, getting a different kind of antibiotics, because after all this shit, I don't exactly trust him to know his ass from a hole in the ground...I expect the next visit to be handed a root and told to chew on it, he thinks it might work.
So fiddle fuck!...Here's something to make you laugh and I'll be back in a few days with a good ole post..


  1. Oh man, I just deleted my entire comment ARRRGGGHHHH!

    Sorry I haven't been around for a while - all the friend's links on my blog are still busted - they look fine but not one of them works :( I should just redo my entire blog but that promises to be such a cluster F that I can't hardly make myself to that.

    Now that the doc has figured out (maybe) what is the problem hopefully you will be on the road to recovery at last. I've got the krud way down in my chest and I've gone through 2 boxes of kleenex so far with no end in sight. So my Sweetie and I just sit curled up on the couch together - hack hack.

    I love your Stumbles... keep up the great entertainment :) and FEEL BETTER.

  2. Doctors make me crazy! Mainly because they act like they know everything and then, when you're about to die, they tell you that the med you're taking causes chest congestion! Grrr.......

    Yay, as always, for your stumbles! Feel better soon.

  3. OK, the beer and titties pic reminds me of Westfest LOL

  4. Present company excluded (you and me both. I didn't talk to any of those twenty-year-old blonds ;-)

    That was fun though. I'll have to bring my wingman next year :o)

  5. What blood pressure med? I forget what you take. I saw my doctor today and we are cutting my Imuran (the one for killing my immune system) down to half a pill. Come January if all is well I quit it completely. I'm s happy I could shit. t is to save my Liver from my immune system but long term use can cause liver cancer. I love the stumble stuff. I saw a bumper sticker I liked today.
    "Republicans support Voldamort"
    Doc was wondering why my heart rate was so high after your E-mail. I haven't sent it to anyone yet. Maybe my Doctor...

  6. It's actually quite true that certain bp meds can cause a cough. I'm really surprised that your doctor didn't think about that before now though. Hope this will fix the problem!

  7. http://3z33.us/media/1/

    some days the bear eats you, some days you eat the bear.....

  8. Thanks for the blood pressure information. My BP is always high at the beginning of an appointment, then if they take it later it is normal. My dr. has threatened to prescribe something, but now I know not to take it.

  9. damn its your meds causing you to be sick?? I hope the doc is right this time. Those are so funny!!!

  10. It took 4 med changes for me to finally settle in with the 3 i take now. It is a certain kind of drug that causes the cough. Before all of the musical chair medication changes, Steve could always find me in the market by listening for my cough. Sad. Love all of the stumbles.

  11. Weed, it's what's for dinner. Heh.

    I've never once written on a bathroom wall, but I intend to in the near future. It's sounds mighty refreshing!

    And that first picture allows my imagination to run amuck!

  12. to all:so far i've gone through 14 boxes of kleenex, 8 bags of menthol cough drops, 3 bottles of cough syrup, 2 weeks of antibiotics, 6 days worth of allergy medicine, an asthma inhaler,2 boxes of cold/flu pills, 1 bottle of nose spray, 3 quarts of chicken soup,and 3 boxes of pads to keep me from peeing on myself everytime i have a coughing fit.
    nitwit im so glad to hear your good news, that's terrific..the blood pressure med i took that gave me this coughing shit is lisinop which is a substitute for prinzide..Im sorry the tic tac toe email almost gave you a heart attack..send it to your dr.
    have a beer on me billy and you can rest it on my tits, then you'll really be having a beer on me...
    sometimes i make myself laugh.

  13. That second one is one of the strangest photos I have ever seen.

  14. The Dumbfuck Mountain poster absolutely rules, and is dead-on right.
    Doctors don't know it all, and most of them can't cure a bad case of "morning wood"...Why TF you think they want on the dole?
    The smart ones recommend things you can do to get out of bad health WITHOUT/BEFORE shoving a bunch of pills or knives at you.

  15. I know just what ya mean. The doc put me on a beta blocker and I got so tired I couldn't move. Turns out it dropped my heart rate down to 40, drove my blood sugar out the roof and made me gain 15 pounds. She changed my meds, now I feel better, my sugar is tons better, I lost 5 pounds in a week without trying and my heart rate is back to normal. Now we're trying to get my thyroid normal. Sometimes I think I was better off before I started the meds

  16. Hey! I recognize some of those! But laughed again...as always.!

    I hope, (in a weird way) that it's the med's that have you sick...at least that's fixable? But then what? Sounds like an allergy to me. Have your doctor run a COMPLETE allergy screen before he prescribes you anything.

    Could make a world of difference?!

    Miss ya...thanks for showing up, making us laugh...and being you!

    Take care!

  17. I've heard of blood pressure meds causing a dry, hacking cough, but not congestion. Hope changing the drugs clears the crud up.

    My worst drug experience was with Crestor. I wound up with gas so bad it was like being jet propelled. I stopped taking it. I told the doctor that as long as I had a job that required being around other people I'd just have to take my chances with the cholesterol killing me because I had no desire to be thrown off a balcony by my office mates.

    Love the Homeless stumble. I have a hunch quite a few of us out here in the hinterlands are enjoying seeing the looks of shock and horror on stock brokers and bankers faces.

  18. More beer and titties!!
    Gotta love them krauts.

  19. You must have been taking lysinopril. It did the same thing to my mother. She was coughing so hard she almost passed out. I guess it does that to about 20% of people. My brother takes it and he has no problems except for having to pee more often than he would if he wasn't taking it, because of the diuretic component.

  20. fabuloso... you getting a new doc?


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....