Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Because McAsshole is going to be on...and ole Letterman has been laying in wait for him to show his ass and come back on the show..Oh, this should be so good. I hope Letterman, who was known to go for the spleen in the old days will revert to form and rip him a new one..I wanna see Letterman get the old fart in a headlock and body slam him on the city of New York display behind his desk..Then Billy Pilgrim will get to see some rasslin'...

life is good!


  1. Can't wait for it...should be good.

  2. I am hoping you are right....but I have a feeling if Dave hurts him too badly it could go badly for Dave. I read today that Palin is going to be on Saturday Night Live the end of October..... While it should be funny....I cannot stand to listen to the real Palin. You have got to start felling better.

  3. I hope McCain gets shattered in the debate, quits the race, retires from politics and cancels on Dave again.

  4. I would love to see Dave give him the whole can of whop-ass, but I think McCain will have a new song and dance. But I won't miss it for the world!

  5. David Letterman's cool, but I wouldn't walk across the street to hear what that sonofabitch McBail-out had to say if the freaking GOP was paying good!

  6. Too bad they can't BOTH freaking lose!

  7. Now if we can just get him and Sarah on Keith Olberman.

  8. Woman, you ROCK! I'm loving your blog!! Came by the way of Alaskan's for Truth. Keep up the fabulous work! Off I go to peruse some more.....

  9. i like to see lewis black interview him.

  10. Can you complete a block with out using a swear word?


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