Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I was going to vote when I got off work and when I took Margaret and Mary to vote(neither have registered or voted before..Margaret is 77, Mary is 55..thanks to me they are voting for the first time and voting for Obama) but I was so excited I woke up at 6 A.M. and got dressed and went and voted when the polls opened at 7A.M. thinking there won't be that many there..ha!
There were 50 plus people there. But I was in and out in 20 minutes. My chest is covered with 'I Voted' stickers.. I told them I had a big chest and that one little sticker wouldn't show up so I needed more of them plus I wore my Obama button and no one said a word. I was prepared to take it off, but didn't have to. I was going to wear my OBAMAM MAMA tshirt, but figured that would be pressing my luck. I am almost giddy I'm so excited. Dear Goddess, don't fuck this up..let Obama win...Amen your friend the Yellowdog.


  1. I got my sticker too! Great job on bringing out the vote...now we wait...tic toc tic toc...goddamn, I'm nervous...did I mention I voted? Did you vote? Oh, right...good job...I'm nervous...did you vote yet? I voted...you did? Awesome...vote yet?
    And so on until the results come in...

  2. I'm praying to gods that don't even exist we pull this one out!

  3. I am so proud of you for encouraging other women to vote! It always shocks me when women don't vote because it pisses me off that we didn't even get to vote until so recently in history! To not vote, especially if you have a vagina, is a big slap on the ass cheek of the women who fought for us to have that right.

    Are you going to get a Starbucks coffee? What about a free ice cream? Isn't Dr. Pepper giving away cans of pop? No, wait, Dr. Pepper is supporting Guns N Roses new album...

  4. Nice button!! We voted a week and a half ago so our wait for results are even longer than yours. Krispy Kreme is giving away star shaped donuts to those that have their I Voted stickers.

  5. It doesn't matter what shape it is, I'm not eating Krispy Kreme.

  6. I always fill out my absentee ballot and drop it off at the polling place. Plenty of time to fill it out and no waiting, but I still get the excitement of going to the polls.

  7. They can't stop me from wearing my Union, Yes! stick pin. I'm on the way out the door now. Daughter The Heir raked the yard and swept the porch so that I will allow her to pull the lever (or punch the little computer button, whatever).

    I'm nervous too. I don't think I've ever cared about an election the way I care about this one.

  8. At least you got in and out quickly. I waited for 2 hours, but dammit I voted!

  9. hey! clicked here from heidi rude's blog.

    i lived in west texas for about 6 months when i was a kid (and i haven't *quite* recovered from it yet, btw... but then again, it was fucking odessa!), and i wish i'd come across a few more peeps like you when i was there!

    my wait was only about 45 minutes, but there were 100 of us in the drizzle at 7am... and i bet ¾ of us voted for obama.

  10. My Bear and I just signed up for the 8pm shift at the Obama Phonebank To Victory & Election Night Shindig in Oakland... we will be covering the late shift calling folks in Hawaii etc. who haven't yet voted. First time in my life I've done something even remotely political... I voted by absentee ballot (mail). Yippee go Obama Mama!

  11. Thankyou; all of you :-)

  12. Fingers, toes and everything else I can crossed too!

  13. If you take your "I Voted" sticker to Starbuck's or Krispy Cream here in Colorado you get a free coffee or star donut!

    Oh sorry for the caps...I am overly excited.

  15. We are on our way....i am nervous....really nervous.

  16. allan;you voted, i voted, we all voted..the wait is going to fecking kill me.
    doralong:me too..I've lit so many candles at st. mary's it looks like a brush fire in there.
    rox:i walked around the apts to get the 'girls' and one of the neighbor lady's was there, i said did you vote? she said im not political i dont vote.brooooong!...I snapped..said do you know how many men and women, have fought and died for you to have the right to vote? and you're not political?...how stupid are you?...I had to walk off before i punched her.
    i've never been to a starbucks and a krispy kreme would proably send my blood sugar off the charts..but I did hav a candy kiss, and gave one to margaret and mary too.
    kulkuri:i love that button.
    nan:i can't eat them but when i could i always loved them.
    jan:everybody in that place this mornign and this afternoon had a big ole grin on their face.
    Anne:i've never been this nervous or excited about voting in my life..oh please let him win.
    rainwolf:good for you.
    joolz:west, texas is a city in central texas.ha...or as i like to say...west, by goddess, texas.
    glad you stopped by..
    tsduff:horay for you and volunteering ..now your an obama mama.
    intenseguy:oh hurry clock..hurry..
    sue:even my eyes are crossed.
    rainy:nah, I'll just have a candy kiss.
    olephatstu:your welcome..it was my pleasure..ha
    billy:i can see him setting up land mines all over the rose garden lawn.bastid
    sage:i know the feeling ..my heart is beating like a tomtom.
    rosemary:me too ..metoo

  17. Hoping for a decision tonight...I don't think I can take it if they don't have a decision tonight!

  18. I voted early this morning. I think everyone I voted for lost in this state.

  19. I am so glad the three of you didn't have to wait in line forever. I was in and out, too this morning.

    My God, this is a great night. GO OBAMA!!!! YES WE CAN!

  20. I was so caught up in the election coverage that I skipped this and the next post and commented on the yes we can post.
    I got two stickers because I voted early one for that day and one for Nov. 4th. I don't go out in the daytime so I still have them.
    For an asshole I thought McCain finished well.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....