Monday, November 03, 2008


Am I the only one that sees John McCain standing up in front of all the people waving his arms around at waist level and thinks:DANGER WILL ROBINSON ...DANGER.?



  1. Go Obama!!! Lets all keep our fingers crossed!

  2. HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my, that is so funny! Error, error...I haven't gotten such a good visual in a long time. Look at the cute Obama Mama - I love your sneakers ;)

  3. Forget Will Robinson Danger everybody.

  4. I got a more vivid visual of his "inaugural address"...Rather George Lucas did.
    After the Papist fix in the Electora College and a phat bribe to DIE-bold, He's standing up there on that pedestal with Congress all around him in that black hoodie robe growling on about how the United States will be reorganized into the First American Empire, "for a more secure society!"
    And as the idiots cheer, I'm thinking "So this is how liberty dies...With thunderous applause!"

  5. We can hope that after he loses, he will take it out on those who fucked him again, namely aWol and the Neo-Conjobs.

  6. I hope he retires and we never have to hear "my friends" again.

  7. Jackie did you know that McCain, who is set for life financially, 1 because of his job as a Senator and 2 because of his millionairess kewpie doll wife, still pulls his Military Pension!!??


    Just had to share. (puts her navy wife soap box away)

  8. Yeah, he's a McAsshole.

    You, on the other hand, are a cutie patootie!

    Obama 08!

  9. I McSame slack on body language as he has major range of motion limitations due to injuries suffered when his plane crashed in North Vietnam and the subsequent substandard medical care received as a POW. He can't lift his arms very high so he always looks really stiff and robot-like. It's creepy, but not by choice. (Unlike that irritating repetition of "my friends" -- I'm looking forward to never hearing that again.)

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by midnight tonight we'll know that Bible Spice is on her way back to Juneau and obscurity, and McSame is going to have to be content with his Senate seat until he retires.

    What would be really sweet would be if he lost in Arizona -- yesterday CNN was describing the state as a toss-up.

  10. nan:i knew that was why he couldn't move his arms over his head..or high at all..but ....I have no problem making fun of the handicapped..
    rosemary;i'd like to bip liberman into another solar system..the suckass.

  11. his voice really grates on my nerves!

  12. I'd love to see McHandgrenade go off on Dubya, Shooter-Dick and the rest of them Bush-evik bastards for fucking up the country, the GOP and his campaign if he loses...Preferably in front of a CNN camera somewhere.
    I'll bet he can still raise his lower arm far enough to flip them the bird!

  13. First of all, John McCain cannot lift his arms very high due to what he suffered while in POW camp in 'Nam. So I take offense that you would make fun of him.
    Second, this country is in for a rude awakening within a year...
    And please do not get mad at me for stating this. I by no means want to create bad feelings. I don't think I have ever commented on your blog, but I couldn't let this one go. I'm neither Democrat or Republican, but I do have my values. Peace.

  14. cheyenne:i know why he can't lift his arms up and that's a terrible thing..but that won't stop me from making fun of him because I make fun of everything and every body...i make fun of myself because i can't grip things and drop stuff all the time..have a pinched nerve and makes me fall down...i make fun of me falling on my ass all the if you don't like my weird warped sense of humor...i'll probably make fun of that too..

  15. His main disability is being a Republican so it is OK to take the Piss outta him


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