Friday, November 07, 2008


Don't you wish Obama could just go to the White House Monday and say...'George....The people have spoken.:get the fuck out of my house and go back to where you came from:NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. sigh*


  1. I think Obama is going to be full of surprises for everybody, especially the geniuses on the nominal "right" who think he's Stalin reincarnated.
    You can't give what you ain't got. BHO has inherited "a pig in a poke", but he has one great advantage over his predecessor - a brain, and the ability to use it.
    I just hope the Whore of Babylon doesn't whack him for it.

  2. The true abomination is that Bush is coming to Texas. Grrrrrr....

    Did I tell you I went to the live screening of Fahrenheit 911 in Crawford? That was fun. I wish I was a guy cause I would have gotten out of my car and pissed on the "home of President fucker of the universe" sign outside of town.

  3. I wish he'd give Alaska back to Russia and cast all the black Californians out to sea.

  4. Well that's pretty much what happens in England, so why not!

  5. Unlike the current occupant of the White House, Obama is smart and has a sense of humor -- I'm thinking that even when he disappoints me (and he will, of course, because all politicians end up devising compromises that make the rest of us nauseous to contemplate) at least whatever he does will have been thought out by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

  6. I wish someone had a time machine and he cold go back and fix it so that he could start January 20th 2000 and deport The Gump as a threat to national security. The trouble is who would take him in.

  7. LMAO! Thanks for the laugh--I needed it.

  8. on the other hand, the economic shit storm will belong to george until january.

    canada would be glad to adopt alaska.

  9. Never fear, Obama and Biden are here. I'm amazingly calm over the storm that is coming (the big storm the Republicans stirred up the past 8 years). Yeah, it's going to be bad for a while, but it will get better.

    I just love how some people are blaming all of this on Obama. Geez, the man hasn't even taken office yet! Who do they think has been running the country the last 8years? But of course, it's NOT Bush's fault...

  10. Bill Maher's comment on Obama's press conference was something about how great it is to have an adult in charge now.

  11. what the hell are you guys doing here? why aren't you out stock pilling on a bunch of guns, cause Obama is fixing to come get yours...jeez louise

  12. Is Mesquite, Texas still standing? When they come for the weapons there will be alot of smoke and blood in the air. Hemp, you can't smoke it so why not let the America plant it. Jeans made out of hemp last about four times longer than cotton! I can buy poppy seeds legally, but if I plant them I am in violation of federal law. Da.......

  13. Leave it to you jac, to say what we are all thinking .. buh bye Bushy

  14. I'm sure I'll be complaining about Obama soon enough. I might as well enjoy the honeymoon for a while. I really love the reaction that the rest of the world is having to Obama's election. "Americans have finally come to their senses."

  15. It would be great if he told bushy to get the fuck would be the best thing for this country...we shouldnt have to wait til jan. 20th

  16. Lame duck presidents can do a lot of harm in those weeks. I've never understood what took so long. Unfortunately a coup is more suited to a Latin American country.

  17. I know it's going to be a long hard journey and he's got a lot of things to fix from the asshole in charge's fuckups..but i have hope, faith and i am convienced ..he'll get'er dun.

  18. They also serve who stand,and wait.
    Goergie's terminally ill administration gets to stay on life support 'till January 20th,and then we get to pull the plug.

  19. Veilueria Veilueria

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