Sunday, April 26, 2009

gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha...stumbles

I'm putting this on my door in the hopes it will keep visitors away.


  1. They are so, so funny! Thanks for sharing them. Did I miss the Goddess? Say it isnt so,,,

  2. All funny ..I might have to reread them while I am work tomorrow.

  3. I love that "when I saw the rolling pin I knew something bad was going to go down" one! Uh oh, man, it's a bake off!

  4. That baby better hope that cat is declawed!

  5. So funny! I love these. How you been? I've been working a lot and overtime to so it's busy for me. Just wanted to check in. Love you.

  6. I think it you put the first one on the front door it might work too...


    I know its way incorrect PC-wise but I loved the one with mccain and obama. Just the expressions on their faces... you know?

  7. Mwaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaa... I love the Dr Ruth letter!!

  8. Rules!: "Bwainz!!! "Guy called Annie (Darth Vader) came in a close 2nd.
    Sucks!: "I'm pregnant."/"I'm sterile."

  9. I must be a true alcoholic, I didn't notice the chilled cat head for a long time, just the beer.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to